AmCham Slovakia

AmCham in the Media - October 2022

As we do every month, we would like to inform you about some of the most important AmCham media appearances.   

On September 8, RTVS News published a TV interview with Peter Kolesár, AmCham Board member, titled “How are Slovak startup doing.“

On September 13, several media outlets Dennik N,TASR, HN online, Euractiv or Slovak Radio newsadopted our press release called “Legislative tsunami: The Rule of Law Initiative calls for a change in the legislative process for parliamentary bills“.

On September 15, SITA news agency’s online portal published the article “One of the four candidates can replace Hlivák as chairman of the ÚVO, their hearing will take place live“ based on our UVO candidates public hearing invitation. More than 30 other online portals published it as well.

On September 13 an 15, weekly magazine Trend published online as well as in print the article “Slovakia lags behind in innovative treatment. Are better times ahead?“ with Daren Wilson, AmCham Board member.

On September 19 and 20, several media outlets: Slovak Radio news quoting Zuzana Petrová, AmCham Policy Manager, Dennik N, SITA news agency, or TASR informed about the Public Hearing of the Public Procurement Office Candidates organized by AmCham together with Nadacia Zastavme korupciu and Slovensko.Digital and the importance of choosing the best candidate for the position.

On September 21, weekly magazine Trend published online as well as in print the article “IT companies are looking for a needle in a haystack. Smart people are leaving and schools are not producing new ones.“ quotingAmCham Director Ronald Blaško about the importance of continuous education.

On September 26, online portal published Barometer: The Slovak government has not yet adopted measures to alleviate the energy crisis for entrepreneurs. It is all right? and published Ronald Blaško, Executive Director of AmCham’s reply.

On September 28, HN Daily printed an interview with oncologist Stefan Korec, who mentions AmCham health care data & statistics.