AmCham Slovakia


Continual development of the business environment in Slovakia through Committees and other initiatives.

AmCham Slovakia has a powerful and direct legislative impact in Slovakia, supporting the continuous improvement of business environment in Slovakia for more than 25 years.

AmCham members empowering future leaders

At AmCham Slovakia, we firmly believe that the key to enhancing our country’s competitiveness lies in empowering the next generation—the future torchbearers who will shape our economic landscape and quality of life.

March 21, 2025

Transaction tax: application challenges

The American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia (AmCham Slovakia) supports the Slovak government’s efforts to consolidate the state budget, recognizing the need to improve public finances and enhance the competitiveness of the Slovak economy. 

March 18, 2025


AmCham´s mission is to improve the business environment in Slovakia and increase the country´s competitiveness. By combining our members´ focus and expertise with most crucial areas for the country we focus our advocacy efforts on the following four pillars:  




Innovations #InnovativeSlovakia


Regions #eastinnovation


People #skills4future


Institutions #ruleoflaw

Policy/Advocacy Platforms

News and Updates

CMS European M&A Study 2025 - Buyers take the lead in a shifting market

CMS, with one of the largest corporate/M&A legal practices in Europe, has released the 17th edition of its European M&A Study, offering exclusive insights into the evolving deal landscape.

Health is in our hands how outsourcing of Sii testing services improves the work of the healthcare sector

The rising demand for medical services is pushing the healthcare industry to adopt agile and secure IT solutions, with testing playing a critical role in ensuring software quality and patient safety. 

AmCham members empowering future leaders

At AmCham Slovakia, we firmly believe that the key to enhancing our country’s competitiveness lies in empowering the next generation—the future torchbearers who will shape our economic landscape and quality of life.

ESG and Employees: Why Your Company May Be Further Ahead Than You Think.

How to turn routine HR activities into a strategic ESG advantage

Transaction tax: application challenges

The American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia (AmCham Slovakia) supports the Slovak government’s efforts to consolidate the state budget, recognizing the need to improve public finances and enhance the competitiveness of the Slovak economy. 

Positive Outlook on the Slovak Labor Market Continues

Communication Services on Top – Slovakia Among Global Leaders in Hiring

AmCham members empowering future leaders

At AmCham Slovakia, we firmly believe that the key to enhancing our country’s competitiveness lies in empowering the next generation—the future torchbearers who will shape our economic landscape and quality of life.

Transaction tax: application challenges

The American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia (AmCham Slovakia) supports the Slovak government’s efforts to consolidate the state budget, recognizing the need to improve public finances and enhance the competitiveness of the Slovak economy. 

Directory of Members & Who is Who Almanac 2025

AmCham Slovakia will soon publish the 23rd edition of its annual “Directory of Members” yearbook that will again include "Who is Who Almanac" - interviews with top leaders of our member companies.  

AmChams in Europe Joint Statement on the Importance of Transatlantic Collaboration

As AmCham Slovakia, we stand in full support of the Joint Statement on the Importance of Transatlantic Collaboration by AmChams in Europe, reaffirming the critical importance of the transatlantic partnership.

American business in Europe remains opposed to US steel and aluminium tariffs

AmCham Slovakia fully supports this position and stands with American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) in opposing the imposition of US tariffs on EU imports of steel and aluminium. 

Upcoming Workshop Series: Strengthening Cybersecurity in Slovak SMEs

AmCham Slovakia, with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Slovakia and in cooperation with our regional partners, is launching a series of expert workshops to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) strengthen their cybersecurity awareness and skills. As digital transformation accelerates, ensuring the security of business operations is more critical than ever.

CMS European M&A Study 2025 - Buyers take the lead in a shifting market

CMS, with one of the largest corporate/M&A legal practices in Europe, has released the 17th edition of its European M&A Study, offering exclusive insights into the evolving deal landscape.

Health is in our hands how outsourcing of Sii testing services improves the work of the healthcare sector

The rising demand for medical services is pushing the healthcare industry to adopt agile and secure IT solutions, with testing playing a critical role in ensuring software quality and patient safety. 

ESG and Employees: Why Your Company May Be Further Ahead Than You Think.

How to turn routine HR activities into a strategic ESG advantage

Positive Outlook on the Slovak Labor Market Continues

Communication Services on Top – Slovakia Among Global Leaders in Hiring

Governance without complications: Handbook for small companies

How to implement basic management principles in small businesses.

Donating 2% of Taxes as an Investment in the Education of Youth in Slovakia

Since 1992, the non-profit organization Junior Achievement Slovakia has had over 499,475 graduates of its educational programs. In the 2023/2024 school year, 44,475 students, 1,061 teachers, and 955 schools in Slovakia participated in practical or experiential education, with over 600 professionals from various fields involved. All of this was made possible thanks to supporters from among individuals and legal entities.

August 23, 2023

Legislative & Policy Update - August 2023

Format: pdf, size: 0.35 MB

June 20, 2023

Legislative & Policy Update - June 2023

Format: pdf, size: 0.62 MB

May 18, 2023

Legislative & Policy Update - May 2023

Format: pdf, size: 0.62 MB

April 19, 2023

Legislative & Policy Update - April 2023

Format: pdf, size: 0.59 MB

March 15, 2023

Legislative & Policy Update - March 2023

Format: pdf, size: 0.35 MB

February 23, 2023

Legislative & Policy Update - February 2023

Format: pdf, size: 0.59 MB


Policy process

Work in Committees and Task Forces
Voluntary participation, no entitlement for compensation.Voluntary participation, no entitlement for compensation.
Chairperson – elected by members of the Committee, approved by the Board
Vice Chair – assists with coordination, in the absence of the Chair takes over the leadership

  • Meetings – should be on a regular basis, preferably once a month
  • Agenda – prepared by C. Coordinator 5 working days in advance
  • Minutes – Actions and Decisions – sent to C. members within 7 working days after the meeting
Preparation of Advocacy Plans and Lobbying Strategies
Every advocacy/lobbying initiative should be accompanied by an Advocacy Plan, available at the members only website area, containing:

  • Lobbying Tool – Position Papers, Policy Briefs, Press Releases
  • Target Audience – Government, Parliament, Stakeholders
  • Timeframe – adapted to the AmCham rules and procedures, legislative process or other processes of concern
  • Possible Coalitions – Foreign Chambers of Commerce in SR, business alliances, organizations or federations
  • Leadership and Issue – Ownership - Chairs, Vice-Chairs, Spokespersons
Approval of Position Papers and Position Letters
Standard approval procedure

  • First stage - pre-draft of a Position Statement, written by a member or committee coordinator is circulated among AmCham members that have expressed interest in the given topic. Comments to be submitted within 5 working days.
  • Second stage -  members’ suggestions incorporated and an appropriate wording of the position formulated. The second stage shall not exceed 3 working days.
  • Third (final) stage - final draft circulated among members and AmCham Board Members for their review. Conflicting requirements to be resolved by the coordinator. The final stage must not last more than 5 working days. Not responding within this timeframe is considered as an approval.
Fast-track procedure

In case an urgent Position of AmCham needs to be released – two working days. The fast-track procedure has been amended on the Board Meeting in Oct. 2007.

  • First phase (24 hours –  one working day): AmCham consults the proposed Statement (and enclosed Advocacy Plan / Lobbying Strategy if applicable) with Members of the Board Policy / Advocacy Standing Committee; potential comments and subsequent approval of at least three Members of the Policy Standing Committee and at least one Member of the AmCham Executive Committee are needed within a 24-hour period.  In addition, an Executive Sponsor from within the Board must be identified for each initiative.
  • Second phase (48 hours – two working days): AmCham sends the draft of the Position Statement in the version approved by the Policy Standing Committee to the full Board. This stage should not last more than two working days. Not responding within this timeframe is considered as approval. Unless a member involved in the process is not happy with the final version, the position paper can be released.

Election Process

A Committee coordinator (member of AmCham policy team) is responsible for conducting a transparent and smooth process of nominations, digital voting via email/Google sheets and announcement of the results.


Committee Election Process:

  1. A leadership of each committee will be voted by members of a respective committee after two calendar years.
  2. Only committee members are allowed to run for the elections and have a right to vote.
  3. Each company would have 1 vote (filling out 1 election ballot giving their preferential vote to 1 chair and 1 vice-chair).
  4. Chairs and vicechairs are allowed to run for reelection without any limit on the number of terms.
  5. The Board reserves the right to dismiss a chair and/or vicechair of a committee in case of serious breach of ethical principles and/or lack of professional competency and/ or capacity to lead the committee.


The Business Academic Committee is one of the most active groups at Amcham and our members have contributed many ideas that have turned into actions and concrete results with a very high success rate. We have a constant dialogue with the Ministry of Education and influence decisions that have an effect on all Amcham members. We provide forums where the best and brightest students from our Universities can find their match in the Business world. We bring Deans and Professors in the same room with CEOs to exchange ideas and foster communication. We have success stories that speak for themselves: students turned into interns, interns turned into new hires and on their path to be our future leaders.


Martin Kardoš, CSI Leasing