AmCham Slovakia

AmCham in the Media - January 2023

As we do every month, we would like to inform you about some of the most important AmCham media appearances.    

On December 2 and 5, several news outlets (e.g. the printed daily Hospodarske noviny, weekly Trend, Radio Express, online outlets:,, TASR,, etc.) shared articles based on our joint press conference with biggest employers‘ associations criticizing the most disturbing proposals debated in the Parliament, including the Draft Act on Special Levy on Regulated Sectors. Gabriel Galgoci, AmCham President, voiced the concerns on behalf of the investors.

On December 10, online portal (ENG) and (SVK) published the article “We found out who the largest in business are in Slovakia” with comprehensive data from hundred of companies. They quoted Peter Rusinak, BSCF Coordinator about the strong pillar of Slovak economy – the BSCF sector in Slovakia.

On December 12, online portal published the article “How the industry grew, where there are some of the highest salaries” about how the wage expenses of business service centers exceeded one billion euros for the first time. It discussed the BSCF, under the umbrella of AmCham, and its contribution to the state budget or its resilience during Covid 19.

On December 21, online portal and the daily Hospodarske noviny published the interview “Head of SARIO for HN: There are many potential investments around Slovakia that are even bigger than Volvo” with Robert Simoncic, mentioning him as former President of AmCham Slovakia and Chair of the European Council of American Chambers of Commerce.

On December 21, online portal published the article “The selection of the new head of the PMU goes to the final stage, the commission recommends to the government a lawyer from Orange, who has already worked at the office” about the selection process of the news head of the Slovak Antimonopoly Office mentioning the Rule of Law Initiative as being one of the two seats on the selection committee representing NGOs. More info about the selection here.

On December 23, online portal published the article “Let’s not wait for leaders, democracy must raise them” by Ronald Blasko, AmCham Director about the effects of today’s virtual culture on the choice of leaders and what must Slovakia do in order to raise capable leaders.

On December 29, the website and published the decision of the Slovak Constitutional Court ruling the anti-inflation package of the former Minister of Finance Matovic as unconstitutional. It also mentioned the Rule of Law Initiative, led by AmCham, and our Amicus Curiae filed back in September in support of President Caputova’s request to examine the package back in July.