AmCham Slovakia


Become a Mentor for Spacetech Europe Online Hackathon

SPACETECH EUROPE Online Hackathon is a unique opportunity to crowdsource innovative technological solutions to space-related issues, develop the next generation of Slovak, American, and European space experts, and promote U.S.-Slovak-European cooperation in this sector. 

It is organized by the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv in collaboration with Garage48 and SpaceOn. The hackathon will bring together 300 top university students, software and technology professionals, entrepreneurs, scientists, and space enthusiasts from across the United States and Europe to boost the space technology industry and develop ideas that can change our world for the better. The main hackathon event will take place from December 3 to 5, 2021 and we are currently looking for business, tech, design, and space-related expert mentors for it. As mentors your benefits will include increased visibility, networking and innovation potential.

Please see more information in the document below and contact Garage48 team at to sign up. 

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