AmCham Slovakia

Martina Slabejová has become the new Executive Director

The American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia (AmCham Slovakia) has a new Executive Director. Martina Slabejová will replace Ronald Blaško, who has led the chamber since June 2018. The new Executive Director stated in her first speech that Slovakia has a great opportunity to implement the Recovery and Resilience Plan and to leverage the support of the new programming period to the benefit of every citizen in our country. AmCham's ambition will be to become a partner in this process together with all our members. 

Martina Slabejová, Executive Director of AmCham Slovakia

"I am very honored to take the position of the executive director of AmCham. At the same time, it is a huge commitment to take over after the leadership of Ronald Blasko. Ronald's ambition was to be more than a chamber of commerce, to become a chamber of values and ideas, and together with his team he fulfilled this mission very successfully. AmCham is an organization which aims to make a real impact and it has the right compass of values. I am pleased to have the opportunity to continue to work with a highly professional team and with the support of the AmCham Board of Directors.
In my new role I also feel a strong commitment to all AmCham members and to the society to continue in the mission and vision set by AmCham. Nowadays, when we are all under the influence of very strong events and challenges, I believe it is even more important to listen to you, our members. To transfer and express your needs to the right institutions and communities, open dialogues and connect people to find new opportunities for our society and the young generation and to find and implement solutions together."

Ronald Blaško, Former Executive Director

"New leaders bring fresh energy and novel ideas which are vital for continuous improvement and growth of all organizations, including AmCham. Therefore, I am delighted that as of February 1, 2023, my role has been taken over by Martina. Martina has all it takes to successfully lead AmCham Slovakia for the benefit of you, our precious members as well as the Slovak economy and society.

As Nelly Furtado sings “all good things come to an end” and after almost five years my mission at AmCham is over. Hence, allow me to express that I am deeply grateful for an honor and privilege to lead such a strong organization, meet so many inspiring and interesting people, feel support from dedicated staff and Board of Directors and of course serve you, our members, who care about the future of this country. I wish AmCham all the best in the future."


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