AmCham Slovakia

Rule of law: the unpredictable state tax policy is sending a negative signal to foreign investors and risks deepening the econom

We sent a joint letter to the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the National Council of the Slovak Republic regarding the draft amendment to Act No. 235/2012 Coll. on the special levy on business in regulated sectors, where an unsystematic up to a 3-fold increase of this levy is foreseen.

We request the authorities to definitively withdraw the draft bill from the debate of the National Council or to submit it for expert discussion on the floor of the Economic and Social Council of the Government of the Slovak Republic.

We thank our partners Republiková únia zamestnávateľov, Asociácia priemyselných zväzov a dopravy, Asociácia zamestnávateľských zväzov a združení SR (AZZZ SR), Slovenská asociácia poisťovní, Slovenská banková asociácia for the cooperation.

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