AmCham Slovakia

8th academic season of AmCham´s university courses concluded

AmCham in close cooperation with its members associated in Business Service Center Forum concluded the 8th academic season of our flagship university course Skills for Success: from University to Practise, as well as the 4th year of the specialized Hands-on HR: Global Trends course.

60+ successful graduates in Košice and Bratislava wrapped-up accredited series of professional training units on the most sought-after soft skills on the labor market:

  • How to Manage Teams Remotely?
  • Design Thinking
  • Time Management
  • Feedback
  • Conflict Resolution and Mindfulness
  • Critical Thinking & Decision Making
  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
  • Global Trends in HR

We express our sincere gratitude to all member companies and trainers for the continuous support of the business-academic cooperation.
