AmCham Slovakia

Improving the local business environment remains AmCham's top priority

Our series of pre-election debates aims to raise awareness about the issues that the business sector perceives as the most troubling.

The first Policy Talk in this series was focused on public procurement, which is critically important when it comes to transparent and fair management of public finances and creating a healthy and competitive business environment. The clear goal is to make the entire process more transparent and efficient.

Specific proposals which could help achieve this goal were discussed with Peter Kubovič, Head of Public Procurement Office (Úrad pre verejné obstarávanie), covering various topics, such as the professionalization of public officials, or the need to introduce a methodology for the evaluation of other criteria besides the financial costs - like sustainability, life-cycle, costs of upkeep and service.

Present representatives of political parties also introduced their vision of the role of the Public Procurement Office in the next election period, and discussed ways how to encourage more businesses to take part, how to shorten the decision period as well as improve the competencies and expertise of municipalities and local governments.

Thank you to all the participants for a fruitful and open discussion, we are looking forward to tackling other major policy topics in the weeks to come!

#publicprocurement #institutionalcapital #improvingthebusinessenvironment #voiceofthebusinesscommunity #ruleoflaw

