Don't take away the two percent of our tax assignation
We call on the government to keep the 2% tax assignation as it is.
The non-profit sector and NGOs are a vital and important part of the life of a democratic society. Through them, people help each other all over Slovakia.
We are everywhere. We provide services and concrete help to people with disabilities, seriously ill people, seniors, children, we are dedicated to youth, culture, sports, abandoned animals. Beneficiaries of 2% are the most diverse interest associations - firefighters, nurses, fishermen, nurses, policemen, teachers, doctors, artists, ...
Often with minimal financial resources, but with maximum commitment, we provide a wide range of activities and services that the state is unable to provide to the necessary extent. Foundations from the income of two percent support thousands of associations, municipalities, schools.
In the social and health sector, we help homeless people, abused women, sick children, excluded communities... The activities of non-profit organizations often substitute for the inadequate social safety net of the state. Through the state welfare system, many fall through the cracks. We see this every day when we interact with people who turn to us for help.
All of the services and assistance we provide confirm that the tax assignation is an extremely important source of funding for activities that help maintain social harmony in society.
The proposal of the Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Erik Tomáš undermines this reconciliation. We are disturbed that the proposal has appeared without any discussion with us, since the tax assimilation mechanism directly affects us existentially.
Last year, 16 955 organisations received 2% of the tax. More than 900 thousand citizens decided to donate their 2% to a selected NGO. The total amount was 87 996 356 EUR, of which 43 million EUR was the citizens' contribution.
We consider the Minister's proposal to be a misstep, not only because of the financial shortfalls threatening our activities. It is also important for the 2% institute that donating a portion of the tax is often the first step that leads citizens to actively seek to improve their surroundings. This is documented by many stories from organisations to which someone first decided to donate 2% of their tax and then added further financial or material support, or where the person themselves became involved in improving the environment around them.
To put hundreds of thousands of taxpayers in the dilemma of whether to continue to support a non-profit organisation or to redirect it to their parents in the form of a 2% allocation is both very unfortunate and unfair.
A non-profit organization cannot or will not communicate in a way that would convince people to "take away" from their parents to support its activities instead. This is a very bad proposal that undermines the stability of a well-established, functioning and transparent mechanism that promotes the independence of civic associations, helps citizens and local communities, and at the same time creates a personal link between non-profit organisations and their supporters.
We call on the government not to destroy what has worked well for more than 20 years, to keep the legislation on the 2% personal and corporate tax assignation as it is.
Please add your signature to this appeal. Thank you.
Initiators and supporters of the public call:
We are everywhere. We provide services and concrete help to people with disabilities, seriously ill people, seniors, children, we are dedicated to youth, culture, sports, abandoned animals. Beneficiaries of 2% are the most diverse interest associations - firefighters, nurses, fishermen, nurses, policemen, teachers, doctors, artists, ...
Often with minimal financial resources, but with maximum commitment, we provide a wide range of activities and services that the state is unable to provide to the necessary extent. Foundations from the income of two percent support thousands of associations, municipalities, schools.
In the social and health sector, we help homeless people, abused women, sick children, excluded communities... The activities of non-profit organizations often substitute for the inadequate social safety net of the state. Through the state welfare system, many fall through the cracks. We see this every day when we interact with people who turn to us for help.
All of the services and assistance we provide confirm that the tax assignation is an extremely important source of funding for activities that help maintain social harmony in society.
The proposal of the Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Erik Tomáš undermines this reconciliation. We are disturbed that the proposal has appeared without any discussion with us, since the tax assimilation mechanism directly affects us existentially.
Last year, 16 955 organisations received 2% of the tax. More than 900 thousand citizens decided to donate their 2% to a selected NGO. The total amount was 87 996 356 EUR, of which 43 million EUR was the citizens' contribution.
We consider the Minister's proposal to be a misstep, not only because of the financial shortfalls threatening our activities. It is also important for the 2% institute that donating a portion of the tax is often the first step that leads citizens to actively seek to improve their surroundings. This is documented by many stories from organisations to which someone first decided to donate 2% of their tax and then added further financial or material support, or where the person themselves became involved in improving the environment around them.
To put hundreds of thousands of taxpayers in the dilemma of whether to continue to support a non-profit organisation or to redirect it to their parents in the form of a 2% allocation is both very unfortunate and unfair.
A non-profit organization cannot or will not communicate in a way that would convince people to "take away" from their parents to support its activities instead. This is a very bad proposal that undermines the stability of a well-established, functioning and transparent mechanism that promotes the independence of civic associations, helps citizens and local communities, and at the same time creates a personal link between non-profit organisations and their supporters.
We call on the government not to destroy what has worked well for more than 20 years, to keep the legislation on the 2% personal and corporate tax assignation as it is.
Please add your signature to this appeal. Thank you.
Initiators and supporters of the public call:
- Eva Kováčová, Liga proti rakovine
- Mária Jasenková, Plamienok n.o.
- Katarína Bagľašová, Deťom s rakovinou
- Monika Fričová, Platforma rodín detí so zdravotným znevýhodnením
- Juraj Lizák, Rada mládeže Slovenska
- Michal Klembara, Anténa - sieť pre nezávislú kultúru
- Lýdia Brichtová, Nezávislá platforma SocioFórum, o.z.
- Csilla Droppová, Vydra - vidiecka rozvojová aktivita n.o.
- Jozef Kákoš, Depaul Slovensko, n.o.
- Réka Kiss, Diákhálózat
- Mgr. Andrea Madunová, Organizácia muskulárnych dystrofikov v SR
- Alexandra Kárová, OZ Vagus
- Miroslav Dzurech, Slovenská katolícka charita
- Milan Šagát, ČERVENÝ NOS Clowndoctors
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