Martin Maštalír became the new President of AmCham Slovakia!
Martin Maštalír, General Manager at DELL Technologies, was elected the
new President of AmCham Slovakia at the extraordinary meeting of the
Board of Directors on Friday, 2 February 2024.
After almost five years he replaces our former President, Gabriel Galgóci, former Country General Manager for Slovakia & Director Client Network Operations Management, AT&T Global Network Services Slovakia, spol. s r.o. who ceased his tenure on 31 December 2023. We take liberty to express our sincere gratitude to Gabriel for his exceptional contributions and efforts he showed while in charge of the chamber. The new President and the entire Board look forward to further enhancing the efforts of AmCham Slovakia for the long- and short-term future.
Martin has been an active member of the chamber for several years and has been serving in his capacity of the member of the AmCham Board since May 2022, currently leading AmCham Digital Committee. His rich experience comes mainly from the digital area, strategy, and sales, but at the same time he aims to promote values that are common for the wider business community in Slovakia - conducting an effective dialogue, exploring opportunities for corporate but also cross-sector cooperation, supporting the rule of law and constantly looking for ways to make Slovakia a good place to live and do business.
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