AmCham Slovakia

What Should EMPLOYERS Do to Keep YOUNGSTERS in Slovakia?

Amrop Slovakia, a member of the Alliance for YOUth (Aliancia pre mladých), helps young people find their place in the world of work by actively connecting academics and students with employers.

Who better to answer this question than the young people themselves? We asked them directly! The theme of the #IDEATON 2024 brainstorming marathon was BRAIN DRAIN - HOW CAN EMPLOYERS HELP ME STAY IN SLOVAKIA?

During #IDEATON, organized annually by Alliance for YOUth (Aliancia pre mladých), 12 teams of high school and university students tackled this crucial question. Under the guidance of experienced mentors, including our own AmropPartners: Igor Šulík, Matej Taliga, Rastislav Mackanič and Ladislava Molnárová the students came up with several intriguing ideas during their day-long exploration.

Ideaton 2024 - One pager key takeaways ENG.png

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