Webinar: Commercial Arbitration:Efficient Tool for Dispute Resolution During Crisis
Wednesday, Apr 29, 2020 From 14:00 to 15:30
in cooperation with Slovak Bar Association
Webinar will focus on the new rules of efficient corporate dispute resolution adopted by the Slovak Bar Association Arbitration Court. They are first of its kind in Slovakia and were inspired by EU rules and cases.
Webinar will be held in SLOVAK LANGUAGE.
Miriam Galandová, PRK Partners & Arbitrator at the Slovak Bar Association Arbitration Court
Kristián Csah, Arbitrator at the Slovak Bar Association Arbitration Court, Trnava University, of counsel PRK Partners
Rozhodcovské konanie a efektívne riešenie korporátnych sporov
Prednáška bude zameraná na predstavenie osobitných pravidiel pre efektívnejšie riešenie korporátnych sporov pred Rozhodcovským súdom Slovenskej advokátskej komory. Osobitné pravidlá pre korporátne spory tvoria samostatnú prílohu pravidiel RS-SAK. Ide o prvú úpravu svojho druhu v slovenskej právnej praxi, inšpirovanú európskou judikatúrou, a zároveň plne zohľadňujúcu domácu legislatívu.
Miriam Galandová, Partnerka PRK Partners & Rozhodkyňa Rozhodcovského súdu SAK
Kristián Csah, Rozhodca RS SAK & Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, of counsel PRK Partners
Registrations will be CLOSED on Tuesday, 28th April, 2020, at 5pm.
Useful information before the webinar starts:
- ONLY registered participants will receive the login details in a separate email before the webinar, after closing the registration.
- By participating at the event you accept that the presentation & subsequent Q&A session will be recorded.
- Recording from the webinar will be published at the AmCham webpage after the webinar.
- Question during the presentation can be asked in written form through the “chat” feature.
- After joining the webinar - please go on MUTE and turn off your camera.
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