AmCham Slovakia


Townhall KOŠICE

Tuesday, Jun 15, 2021 From 13:30 to 17:00


Interactive local governments, Socially responsible businesses, Adaptive academia.




Read the Press Release from the event

Tackling existing regional challenges in the Košice region can only be achieved through coordinated effort by interactive local governments, socially responsible businesses, adaptive academia and NGOs. AmCham’s Townhall KOŠICE initiative introduces an open dialogue platform which actively supports cross-sectoral collaboration through providing relevant context and tangible cooperation opportunities in ongoing and future activities benefitting the regional innovation ecosystem driven by local stakeholders represented by the private, public, non-profit and academic sectors. The platform aims to shape overarching visions for future development of the region. 

The platform will be introduced by a dynamic and interactive conference format, which will provide equal opportunities across all three sectors in introducing projects and initiatives with positive intended impact on regional development and local business environment, especially in the areas of innovation, digitalization, AI and creative economy. These projects are expected to either greatly benefit from cross-sectoral collaboration or such collaboration is considered a vital part of its existence. The event will also showcase positive examples and first-hand experience and expertise from European regional success stories and feature local decision makers and key stakeholders in interactive fireside chat styled discussions. 

Townhall KOŠICE is a pilot initiative and a culmination of AmCham’s long-term effort to bring the regional stakeholders closer to each other and provide a functional and respected platform where the three sectors could engage in a meaningful dialogue and coordinate systematic responses to existing challenges. 


Case Studies

  • Pavol Sovák, Rector, University of P. J. Šafárik (Cassovia New Industry Cluster)
  • Michal Hladký, Director, CIKE (Košice 2.0 / Urban Innovative Actions)
  • František Jakab, Director, University Science Park TECHNICOM (Technical University of Košice) (ECDI CASSOVIUM)
  • Julianna Orbán Máté, Director, Via Carpatia EGTC (Košice Region Innovation Center)

Urban Talk: Košice - An Emerging TECH Hub?

The importance of cross-sectoral cooperation and the future of the region.

  • Marcel Gibóda, Vice Mayor, City of Košice
  • Matej Ovčiarka, Director of the Department of Regional Development and Planning, Košice Self-governing Region
  • Anton Marcinčin, Co-founder, Regional Development Now! / Former Director of Regional Development Section, Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
  • Eduard Donauer, Plenipotentiary for Strategic Planning, City of Bratislava

Fireside Chat: Košice Invest ’21

The role of the private sector in regional development and the need to to generate domestic investment.

  • Miroslav Kiraľvarga, Vice President External Affairs, Administration and Business Development, U. S. Steel Košice
  • Juraj Girman, VP - Telekom IT, Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia / President, Košice IT Valley
  • Peter Šoltés, CEO, Promiseo
  • Dalibor Cicman, CEO, GymBeam

This project is supported by a Grant from the Center for International Private Enterprise in Washington, D.C.

You can download the complete agenda in PDF below:

Documents to download

July 23, 2021

THM2021 Executive Summary (Slovak)

Format: .pdf, size: 1.21MB

July 02, 2021

Connection Magazine Report

Format: .pdf, size: 0.51MB

July 01, 2021

THM2021 Executive Summary

Format: .pdf, size: 0.46MB

June 02, 2021


Format: .pdf, size: 0.23MB


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