Healthy Future Conference
Tuesday, Sep 12, 2023 From 09:00 to 14:00
Sheraton Bratislava Hotel, Pribinova 12
Health as an investment - for the individual, for society, for the economy and for the health system as a whole
In January 2020, after numerous discussions with analysts and experts, 10 recommendations for a Healthy Future 2030 were presented with the aim to build an accessible, innovative and mainly patient-oriented healthcare system in Slovakia. The Covid-19 pandemic and an unstable security situation just next to our borders put a significant strain on our healthcare system, shedding light on systemic weaknesses. A vast majority of Slovaks (that participated in the said survey) have expressed a strong desire for the new government to prioritise health care as their top priority as well as investment area.1 What is the current state of the Slovak healthcare system - what are its main challenges and which opportunities we cannot afford to miss in order to move toward a modern healthcare that puts patient’s needs first? The importance of vision and the benefits of uphoding it. How can we help to ensure the sustainable financing of the health system? What has changed (for better or worse) and what should be the priorities for the incoming government to approach the healthcare system more as an opportunity and necessity for a prosperous nation and less as an economic burden?
1 Source: How are you, Slovakia?, February 2023, MNFORCE, Seesame, Institute of Sociology, SAS and Institute of Political Sciences SAS, N = 1 000
During the conference, the following questions would be presented and discussed:
- The importance of continuity, vision and strategic direction of the Slovak health system across the electoral cycle.
- Why it is important to invest in health and the health system and what the benefits are.
- Specific recommendations for both the revenue and expenditure side of health financing in Slovakia
- How modern mental health care could look like and how we can better govern the cancer patient's journey.
- And what may we expect of potential future policy makers in terms of their priorities and objectives they would like to pursue and achieve to improve the current health care system in Slovakia.
Primary language of the conference: SLOVAK (with the English interpreting). English contributions will be translated to SLOVAK.
REGISTRATION is free and open also for NON-MEMBERS of the AmCham Slovakia. Please, contact:
9:00 – 9:10 Official welcome / Oficiálne privítanie
- Daren Wilson, Vice-President of AmCham Slovakia, General manager of Roche Slovensko
- Vladimír Mičieta, Health Care Committee Chair, AmCham & Country Manager, Medtronic
9:10 – 9:20 Presentation of the report "At a turning point Healthcare systems in Central and Eastern Europe, Slovakia" / Prezentácia analýzy "Systémy zdravotnej starostlivosti v strednej a východnej Európe v bode zlomu - správa o Slovensku" - report by the The Economist Impact prepared for the AmCham EU
- Jelka Draskovic (AmCham EU Issue Lead and Director, Public Policy, Core EUCAN Markets, MSD)
9:20 - 9:30 State of Slovak Health Care in 2023 / Stav slovenského zdravotníctva v roku 2023
- Martin Vlachynský (Institute of Economic and Social Studies / Inštitút pre ekonomické a sociálne štúdie)
9:30 - 9:40 Cancer patient challenges and room for improvement / Výzvy onkologického pacienta a priestor na zlepšenie
- Elena Marušáková (Associations for the protection of patients' rights / Asociácia na ochranu práv pacientov)
- moderated by Z. Javorová
9:40 - 9:50 How could a modern mental health care system look like? / Ako by mohol vyzerať moderný systém starostlivosti o duševné zdravie?
- Andrej Vršanský (Mental Health League / Liga za duševné zdravie)
9:50 - 10:05 HSPA - a compass in the search for a vision in healthcare? / HSPA – kompas pri hľadaní vízie v zdravotníctve?
- Michaela Černěnko (Health Analysis Institute, Ministry of Health of the SR / Inštitút zdravotných analýz, MZ SR )
10:10 – 11:00 Vision and continuity of the Slovak health system / Vízia a kontinuita slovenského zdravotníctva (DISCUSSION / DISKUSIA)
- Nick Guldemond (Leiden University Medical Center) (by video)
- Petra Zappe (Research and innovation authority / Výskumná a inovačná autorita)
- Miriam Lapuníková (University Hospital with Polyclinic F.D. Roosevelt / Fakultná nemocnica s poliklinikou F.D. Roosevelta)
- Ľuboš Lopatka (Bory Hospital / Nemocnica Bory)
- Martin Vlachynský (Institute of Economic and Social Studies / Inštitút pre ekonomické a sociálne štúdie)
- moderated by Zuzana Javorová
11:00 - 11:30 COFFEE / TEA BREAK
11:30 - 11:40 Why is it worth investing in health and healthcare
system? / Prečo sa oplatí investovať do zdravia a zdravotníckeho
- Ján Jasenský (PricewaterhouseCoopers)
11:40 - 11:50 Presentation of possible measures for the revenue and expenditure part of the financing of the Slovak health system / Prezentácia možných opatrení pre príjmovú a výdavkovú časť financovania slovenského zdravotníctva
- Henrieta Tulejová (Advance Institute)
11:50 - 12:45 Sustainable financing of healthcare - is it even possible? / Udržateľné financovanie zdravotníctva - je to vôbec možné? (DISCUSSION / DISKUSIA)
- Jaroslava Orosová (Association of Ambulatory Providers of the Slovak Republic / Zväz ambulantných poskytovateľov SR)
- Silvia Pekarčíková (Association of Self-Governing Regions SK8 / Združenie samosprávnych krajov SK8)
- Renáta Bláhová (Health Care Surveillance Authority / Úrad pre dohľad nad zdravotnou starostlivosťou)
- Michal Štofko (Association of Health Insurance Companies of the Slovak Republic / Asociácia zdravotných poisťovní SR)
- Martin Šuster (The Council for Budget Responsibility / Rada pre rozpočtovú zodpovednosť)
- moderated by Zuzana Javorová
- Tomáš Szalay (Sloboda a Solidarita)
- Zuzana Dolinková (HLAS - sociálna demokracia)
- Oskar Dvořák (Progresívne Slovensko)
- Monika Kolejáková (KDH)
- Vladimír Baláž (SMER-SSD)
- Andrea Letanovská (DEMOKRATI)
- Zuzana Šebová (SME RODINA) tbc
- Marek Krajči (OĽANO) tbc
- moderated by Zlatica Švajdová Puškárová
- Your Contact person
- Tomáš Jucha
- Senior Policy Manager
- +421 947 939 030

Documents to download
Healthy Future_press release
Format: .pdf, size: 0.87MB
Connection magazine report
Format: .pdf, size: 1.79MB
Viac penazi do zdravotnictva je investiciou do zdravia a prosperity spolocnosti - SUMAR
Format: .pdf, size: 0.37MB
Viac penazi do zdravotnictva je investiciou do zdravia a prosperity spolocnosti - CELA STUDIA
Format: .pdf, size: 1.88MB
Odpocet 10 spolocnych odporucani pre zdravu buducnost Slovenska 2030
Format: .pdf, size: 0.34MB
Format: .pdf, size: 0.18MB
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