AmCham Slovakia

New Whistleblowing Regulation – Best Practices and New Practices

New Trends in University Research and Education

Friday, Apr 28, 2023 From 09:00 to 11:00

Jurkovičova Tepláreň, Bottova 1, Bratislava

Business Breakfast

AmCham Slovakia  together with the Center of Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak republic (CVTI) organize this closed event where foreign experts from Stanford University, Oxford University and University of California will present news in the fields of Scholarly publishing, Digital Scholarship, storage, processing and use of research data. Subsequently, colleagues from CVTI SR inform about the introduced innovations in the field of open science and the involvement of Slovakia in Horizont Europe projects.

Hence, considering the appropriateness of your professional background and position for this event, we would like to invite you to join this private discussion which will revolve around these topics:
  • Innovation centers and their role at the university;
  • How to deal with data generated during research;
  • Open access and its impact on science funding in Europe.

Expert speakers:
  • Tom Cramer, Stanford University Libraries
  • Neil Jefferies, University of Oxford
  • David Minor, UC San Diego Library
  • Jitka Dobbersteinová, CVTI SR
  • Anna Krivjanská, Horizon Europe
  • David Lesser, UCSD Innovation center

Attendance upon invitation. Would you like to join? Do not hesitate to contact our colleague Peter Rusiňák at


AmCham Slovakia spolu s Centrom vedecko-technických informácií SR (CVTI) organizuje toto uzavreté podujatie kde zahraniční experti zo Stanford University, Oxford University a University of California predstavia novinky v oblastiach Scholarly publishing, Digital Scholarship, ukladanie, spracovanie a využitie výskumných dát. Následne kolegovia z CVTI SR informujú o zavádzaných novinkách v oblasti otvorenej vedy a zapojenia SR do projektov Horizont Európa. Vzhľadom na vhodnosť vášho profesionálneho zázemia a pozície pre toto podujatie by sme vás preto radi pozvali do tejto súkromnej diskusie, ktorá sa bude točiť okolo týchto tém:
  • Inovačné centrá a ich úloha na univerzite;
  • Ako nakladať s údajmi vytvorenými počas výskumu;
  • Otvorený prístup a jeho vplyv na financovanie vedy v Európe.

Odborní rečníci:
  • Tom Cramer, Stanford University Libraries
  • Neil Jefferies, University of Oxford
  • David Minor, UC San Diego Library
  • Jitka Dobbersteinová, CVTI 
  • Anna Krivjanská, Horizon Europe
  • David Lesser, UCSD Innovation center

Účasť je možná iba s pozvánkou. Máte záujem zúčastniť sa? Neváhajte kontaktovať nášho kolegu Petra Rusiňáka na

Documents to download

July 19, 2023

Connection magazine Report

Format: .pdf, size: 0.38MB

May 15, 2023

Presentation of Rochelle Lundy and Tom Cramer

Format: .pdf, size: 1.29MB

May 15, 2023

Presentation of David Minor

Format: .pdf, size: 12.71MB

May 15, 2023

Presentation of Neil Jefferies

Format: .pdf, size: 1.39MB

May 15, 2023

Presentation of Jozef Dzivak

Format: .pdf, size: 1.39MB

May 15, 2023

Presentation of David Lesser

Format: .pdf, size: 3.68MB

May 15, 2023

Presentation of Anna Krivjanska

Format: .pdf, size: 2.22MB


Upcoming Events

Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Festival Specials: The Alley of the Future Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Main Stage: Conference on Digital Everything - Creation of the New Galaxy Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Topical Focus Event: Don’t be Afraid of AI! Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Topical Focus Event: Change your change game: How to make your organizational change initiatives more successful! Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Topical Focus Event: Back to the Future Leader (Modern leaders track ancient wisdom) Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Festival Specials: AmCham Mini Cinema Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Festival Specials: Bordering Regions at the Forefront: Slovakia's Role in Ukraine's Reconstruction Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Main Stage: Healthy Future Conference Part of the Festival of Future