AmCham Slovakia

Rule of Law and Human Capital Pre-Election Debates

Unleashing Slovakia's Potential through Digital Skills and Digital Transformation

Wednesday, Jun 07, 2023 From 09:00 to 13:00

Jurkovičova Tepláreň, Bottova 1, Bratislava

Policy Talks

AmCham Slovakia’s mission and goal is to improve the business environment in Slovakia and make sure our society, citizens and businesses are able to thrive. In order to reach our full potential, we have identified two key areas where Slovakia needs to step up, invest in and make it a policy priority to ensure competitiveness and economic growth. These areas are Digital Skills and Data Economy.  

Therefore, we are organizing two policy talks with political representatives aimed at presenting the key figures and statistics about Slovakia’s current standing and what steps need to be taken in the future election period and an opportunity for political parties to present their vision and priorities for making sure that Slovak workforce is skilled and our business are able to thrive and compete internationally.  

8:30 Registration, coffee & breakfast 
9:00 Opening Remarks - Gabriel Galgóci, President of AmCham

1. Digital Skills and Skills for the 21st. Century 

9:05 Unlocking the Power of Digital: Skill Building in Slovakia, We Can Achieve it Together!
  • Presentation by Mário Lelovský, Chairman of the Digital Coalition 
9:20 Best-practice Examples from OECD Countries 
  • Presentation by Seong Ju Park - Policy Analyst, Digital Government and Data Unit, OECD
9:30 Pre-election debate  
  • Jozef Habánik - SMER - Slovenská sociálna demokracia
  • Ján Hargaš - Progresívne Slovensko
  • Marcela Havrilová - Member of the Business-Academic Committee, AmCham Slovakia
  • Ján Horecký - Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie
  • Martin Maštalír - Chair of the Digital Committee, AmCham Slovakia
  • Alena Sabelová - Hlas - sociálna demokracia
  • Dušan Velič - Za ľudí

11:00 Coffee Break 

2. Digital Transformation of Slovakia

11:30 The Future is Digital
  • Presentation by Martin Šikulaj, Partner at PwC
Pre-election debate
  • Martin Florián - Za ľudí
  • Marek Hudák - Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie
  • Katarína Kakalíková - Vice Chair of the Digital Committee, AmCham Slovakia
  • Štefan Kišš - Progresívne Slovensko
  • Alena Sabelová - Hlas - sociálna demokracia
  • Marián Viskupič - Sloboda a Solidarita

13:00 Networking  

This event will be held in Slovak language.

Documents to download

March 13, 2024


Format: .pdf, size: 1.06MB

July 19, 2023

Connection magazine Report

Format: .pdf, size: 0.35MB

June 16, 2023

Presentation of Martin Sikulaj

Format: .pdf, size: 0.38MB

June 16, 2023

Presentation of Mario Lelovsky

Format: .pdf, size: 1.51MB

May 26, 2023


Format: .pdf, size: 0.36MB


Upcoming Events

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Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Topical Focus Event: Don’t be Afraid of AI! Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
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Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
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Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
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Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
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