Election Night
Saturday, Sep 30 to Sunday, Oct 01, 2023 From 20:00 to 02:00
Jurkovičova Tepláreň, Bottova 1, Bratislava
Join us for the Exclusive AmCham Election Night. Watch Live Election Updates together with Business Leaders. Enjoy fun activities.
Join us for the Election Night!
AmCham Slovakia with its members care about Slovakia's future, and that future is shaped day by day. Rule of Law, Education, Healthcare, Digitalization, and Economic Stability, are all important topics for us as employers, employees, and citizens of this country.
Our vision of Slovakia as a good place to live and do business depends on building a community of like-minded organizations that share this vision and are willing to invest their time and energy into helping it come true.
This year's election campaigns will surely be heated. Regardless of the results, we will continue in our quest to unify the voice of the business community and present its opinions and concerns in a meaningful dialogue with the new government.
Join us at the AmCham Election Night, to follow live election updates together with other business leaders, and discuss how these may shape Slovakia's future in the years to come. Besides good company and the election drama, you can look forward to fun activities, delicious wine and food, and, above all, inspirational discussions with our members.
20:00 Welcome Reception & Networking
20:45 Warm Welcome
20:45 Discussion About The Future of Slovakia
21:30 Discussion About The Trust & Slovak Society
23:00 Exit Polls: Quo Vadis Slovakia?
We are looking forward to seeing you on Election Night.
- Your Contact person
- Natália Spodniak
- Corporate Affairs and Brand Manager
- +421 902 912 000
- natalia.spodniak@amcham.sk

Documents to download
Connection magazine report
Format: .pdf, size: 1.49MB
Presentation of Pavol Kosnac
Format: .pdf, size: 0.71MB
Presentation of Karol Cagan
Format: .pdf, size: 1.10MB
Presentation of Olivia Hurbanova
Format: .pdf, size: 3.33MB
Format: .pdf, size: 3.94MB
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