AmCham Slovakia

Modernizing and Improving HR Processes Through Digitalization

The Future of Digital Biomarkers: What can a drop of sweat tell about you?

Thursday, Sep 07, 2023 From 13:30 to 15:30

Univerzitný vedecký park TECHNICOM, prízemie, zasadacia miestnosť 1&2, Boženy Němcovej 5



The envision of the integration of technology and health in future generations provided by University Spartacus. 

Join us to learn more about the integration of technology and health in future generations!



Sweat, a powerful natural detoxifier, has been recognized as a promising source for next-generation digital biomarkers in preventive medicine. Nowadays, only lab sensors can detect specific biomarker concentrations in sweat, but wearable sensors are in the early stages of exploration. These wearable sweat sensors, when placed on the skin to monitor specific chemicals, hold vast potential across a wide range of applications, with a particular focus on optimizing athletes' performance during sports activities. The upcoming workshop will bring together key innovators, scientists, and strategists to collaborate with policymakers, investors, and potential customers from sport associations and clubs, all aimed at unlocking the full potential of this technology




13.30 Welcome & Opening


13.30-14.30 - Presentations

·        Maroš Halama, University Spartacus & TUKE & CNIC & KSK: Innovative R&D Concept for Field Testing

·        International Students at Promatech Center labs (The Hong Kong Polytrechnic University, Zurcher University 

      of Applied Sciences, Western University Ontario): Experiences from abroad

·        Jana Shepa, UPJS: First Lab Trials on Biom

·        Daniel Čarnoky, Arcondis : Linking R&D and Business

·        Bujar Ajdari, Innosensia: Joint Start-up Concept: TUKE,UPJS, ICKK, US

·        Peter Žifčák, University Spartacus: Strategy for University Sport Programme in Kosice Region


14.30 – 15.15 - Moderated discussion

MODERATOR: Maroš Halama, University Spartacus & TUKE & CNIC & VUCKE


·        Jana Shepa (UPJS)

·        Daniel Čarnoky (Arcondis)

·        Bujar Ajdari (Innosensia)

·        Peter Žifčák (University HC Spartacus)


15.15 – Closing remarks


15. 15 – 15.30 - Networking

Registration: Upon online/e-mail registration only.

Refreshments (water&snacks&coffee) will be provided during the event. 

Parking: up to 5 parking spaces available at the venue, other are available just few metres behind the building (Vysokoskolska Street Parking).


Upcoming Events

Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Festival Specials: The Alley of the Future Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Main Stage: Conference on Digital Everything - Creation of the New Galaxy Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Topical Focus Event: Don’t be Afraid of AI! Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Topical Focus Event: Change your change game: How to make your organizational change initiatives more successful! Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Topical Focus Event: Back to the Future Leader (Modern leaders track ancient wisdom) Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Festival Specials: AmCham Mini Cinema Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Festival Specials: Bordering Regions at the Forefront: Slovakia's Role in Ukraine's Reconstruction Part of the Festival of Future
Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
Main Stage: Healthy Future Conference Part of the Festival of Future