Job Fair 2024 - Comenius University
Wednesday, Mar 13, 2024 From 10:00 to 14:00
Gondova 2, Bratislava
organized by Comenius University Bratislava, The Faculty of Arts
Comenius University Bratislava, The Faculty of Arts, cordially invites all fellow AmCham members to its 2024 Job Fair, taking place on 13 March 2024, 10:00-14:00 in Bratislava, Gondova 2. You are welcome to present your company/institution, job opportunities and the ways of engaging (under)graduate students as trainees or collaborators.
The event includes an opening
section for all attendees, time to interact with student participants
who enquire about your company and a series of interactive workshops.
Job Fair is more than just a meeting of companies with university
students. We offer a unique opportunity to establish a dialogue between
industry and academia and to participate in the formation of a young
workforce by shaping the requirements of today's labor market.
Faculty of Arts has more than 2,500 full-time students specializing in
marketing communication, psychology, journalism, political science and
area studies, languages and philology, including English, German, Dutch,
Spanish, Swedish, Chinese and many more. Approximately 900 students
graduate each year.
Why to Attend?
- Meet the new generation of employees
- Become the dialogue-leader in communication with those potentially interested in your job position
- Enhance positive awareness of your brand
Sign up for the Job Fair using this link until 31 January:
Michaela Hrotekova,, +421905 170 478
Simona Bajakova,, +421940 866 360
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