AmCham Slovakia

Executive Essentials in Cybersecurity

Executive Essentials in Cybersecurity

Friday, Feb 09, 2024 From 13:00 to 15:00

Jurkovičova Tepláreň, Bottova 1, Bratislava

Cyber Chat

We are thrilled to invite you to an informal roundtable policy talk aimed at raising awareness about the critical importance of cybersecurity and the upcoming legislation.
The roundtable will be spearheaded by our keynote speaker, Mr. Janota, NBÚ Special Envoy for Cybersecurity at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Washington, D.C., USA., as well as Mr. Baran who works as Liaison Officer at National Security Authority Slovakia
Our focus will be on underscoring the vital importance of not only monitoring cybersecurity trends but also actively participating in this domain. We aim to shed light on its practical implications for business through various use cases, and provide a comprehensive overview of the current regulatory landscape, including the implications of the NIS2 directive. Additionally, the session will offer an insightful comparison between European and U.S. cybersecurity legislations.
While the event is primarily aimed at C-Level executives, we warmly welcome all members of our committee to join this important discussion.

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