AmCham Slovakia

Finance for Non-finance

Thursday, Jun 20, 2024 From 09:00 to 12:00

KPMG CONFERENCE CENTRE, Dvořákovo nábrežie 10, Bratislava

Training organized by KPMG

The training is suitable for all those who do not work directly with finances, but who come into contact with them in their daily work.

We will teach you the basic principles of double-entry bookkeeping and how to report financial information using the Balance Sheet and Income Statement.

The theory is explained with practical examples from the field.

Our experienced trainer Tatiana Hargašová will guide you through the training.

More detailed information (content, references...) can be found along with the registration form Link to register.

KPMG Business Institute offers all AmCham members a 10% discount on the total price of the training. When registering, in the "message" field of the registration form, add "AmCham member - 10% discount"

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