AmCham Slovakia

Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?

Festival Specials: Coaching Tasting Corner: Where Your Future Fulfillment Begins

Thursday, Sep 12, 2024 From 12:00 to 15:00

Part of the Festival of Future


Festival Specials: Coaching Tasting Corner: Where Your Future Fulfillment Begins

Self-management is intricately linked to the desire for self-fulfillment and the ability to adapt to a dynamic environment and a changing world. That's why we've established a Coaching Tasting Corner just for you. This is a space where you can openly discuss any areas you wish to work on with a coach or counselor/therapist in person.

The purpose of the Coaching Tasting Corner is to provide an opportunity for those interested in working with a professional coach or counselor to have a meaningful "coaching/counseling interview".

The time is now: Take action today to prepare for the future. Don't miss this opportunity to attend individual coaching/counseling sessions to improve your self-management skills and see how they can transform your life.

Topical Focus Events will be led by: 

Registration will be open soon! As the number of seats is limited, registrations will be accepted on a “First come, First served” basis. 

The workshop will be held in Slovak/English language. 


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