AmCham Slovakia

Investing in Healthcare and Biotech

Investing in Healthcare and Biotech

Thursday, Jan 23, 2025 From 09:00 to 12:00

Jurkovičova Tepláreň, Bottova 1, Bratislava

Business Breakfast


Investing in Healthcare and Biotech in Slovakia and CEE: Aligning with Draghi's Vision for European Competitiveness

Join us for a compelling event that delves into the dynamic landscape of healthcare and biotechnology investments in Slovakia and the CEE region. The event will feature a comprehensive presentation followed by an engaging panel discussion with industry experts, exploring the current investment trends, opportunities, and challenges within the sector.

We will also highlight key insights from Mario Draghi's report on strengthening European competitiveness, discussing how these strategies can foster growth and innovation in healthcare and biotech. A central theme will focus on strengthening the connection between the CEE region and the additional capital required for growth—building bridges to international investors and attracting experienced global talent to support a "reverse brain drain" effect. Key issues, such as financing, creating incentives, and enhancing cooperation across public, private, and academic sectors, will be addressed, providing actionable insights for investors, policymakers, and stakeholders.


8:30 - Registration

9:00 - Opening

9:10 - Europe's competitiveness stands or falls on private capital – Report by Mario Draghi, former President of the European Central Bank

9:30 - Are investment opportunities in Health in CEE attractive?

9:45 - Coffee Break

10:05 - Investments in Biotech and Healthcare in CEE: The role of private capital and rntrepreneurs in the healthcare sector

Why do biotechnology companies and healthcare need private capital? With low public spending on innovation, there is an opportunity for private investors. How can this situation be leveraged to their advantage? You will discover how businesses, the public sector, investors, and investment funds approach this issue.

11:00 - Networking

Don’t miss the opportunity to network with local stakeholders in this rapidly evolving field.

Language: English



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