The J.W. Fulbright Commission in the Slovak Republic celebrates 25th anniversary of its establishing in the Slovak Republic
Over the past twenty-five years, 347 Slovak researchers, experts and
students have used this unique opportunity to further study and make
research at prestigious U.S. universities and more than 370 U.S.
students, scholars, and professionals have been awarded Fulbright grants
to the Slovak Republic.
Here are just a few notable and prominent Slovak alumni: sociologist and former Prime Minister Iveta Radičová, lawyer and former Minister of Justice Daniel Lipšic, screenwriter Zuzana Gindl-Tatárová, journalist and editor-in-chief at SME daily Beata Balogová, NGO specialist Zuzana Polačková, pharmacologist Jozef Glasa, illustrator and animator Michaela Čopíková, Government Proxy for Roma Communities Ábel Ravasz, architect and current Bratislava Mayor Matúš Vallo, sociologist Michal Vašečka, the head of the Center for Therapy for Drug Dependencies Ľubomír Okruhlica, ecologist and environmentalist Mikuláš Huba, Chairman of the Bratislava Self-Governing Region Juraj Droba, Maya expert Milan Kováč and Ambassador to UNO Michal Mlynár.

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