AmCham Slovakia

Slovakia needs a major reform of the health care system. The Recovery and Resilience Facility could be the trigger.

Healthcare experts responded to "A Modern and Successful Slovakia", the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) related governmental healthcare plan, and discussed its most pressing issues and their possible solutions in a series of joint online meetings. 

The discussion generated the “Expert Opinion on the Recovery and Resilience Facility & National and Integrated Reform Plan”, a consolidated document which presents a  joint position of experts and points out the most relevant areas that should  be integral to any reform documents. Experts agree that Slovakia needs a health care reform, and resources from the RRF represent one of the greatest opportunities in history to raise capital funds to kick-start reform changes to the Slovak health care system.

The series of online discussions was initiated by the Health Care Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic. Representatives of professional societies, hospitals and insurance companies, analysts, doctors in the field of oncology, cardiology, psychology and psychiatry, experts in artificial intelligence and innovative technologies in healthcare took part in the event. Vladimír Mičieta, Chairman of the Health Care Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic, says: “The aim of the expert working group was to contribute to reform efforts in the field of healthcare. We have defined the most pressing problems and specific solutions that would bring the desired effect to the health care system in Slovakia. We understand that the Recovery and Resilience Facility has its limits and boundaries defined by the European Commission, but we also believe that the implementation and sustainability of the proposed solutions will be key to kick-starting reform changes for the success of the RRF. We also believe that the Recovery and Resilience Facility will not be the only mechanism to support health care reform in Slovakia. The expert working group as well as the Health Care Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic present their expert opinion to the relevant ministries and media. We offer our expertise and we are ready to help the reform efforts in the field of healthcare in Slovakia."


The aim of today's webinar entitled "EU Funds as a trigger for quality healthcare in Slovakia", supported by AbbVie s.r.o., Amgen Slovakia s.r.o., BIOGEN s.r.o., Johnson & Johnson, s.r.o, Janssen division, Medtronic Slovakia s.r.o., Merck Sharp & Dohme, s.r.o., Novartis Slovakia s.r.o., Roche Slovensko, s.r.o., as well as the aim of the expert working group initiated by the Health Care Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic, was to point out the huge opportunity that RRF represents for Slovak health care and to offer a helping hand in the future efforts for a better healthcare system in Slovakia.


Read the Full version of the Press Release.

Watch the recorded webinar:
