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- Building an information society is a must
- ICT: a driving force in the Slovak economy
- Fitting ICT education into the future
- Desktop virtualization brings more security
- Forthcoming changes in copyright law
- Digital IQ: Digital Conversations and the C-suite
- New companies in Slovakia
- The American way of work
- Enjoy the stunning view
IT and Telecoms, Media and PR
Building an information society is a must
Letter to members by Peter Pellegrini Digital Leader & State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic
It has already been a few years since Slovakia was labeled the automotive heart of Europe. In
general, the automotive industry is considered to be the driving force of the Slovak economy,
while the importance and position of the information and communication technology (ICT)
industry is neglected. This is despite the fact that ICT is a sector that has enjoyed continuous
growth in recent years - whether looking at sales, employment figures, or wages.
ICT: a driving force in the Slovak economy
Prepared by AmCham member: Lugera & Makler
Slovakia offers many business advantages, such as, relatively low wage costs for a talented and well-educated labor force, foreign languages spoken at rather high level (English and German in particular), a business friendly environment, and a considerably good quality of life. Many international companies like Dell, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, AT&T, Lenovo, Accenture, and NESS have already discovered Slovakia and have taken advantage of the opportunity to open their operations and shared services centers here.
Fitting ICT education into the future
Prepared by AmCham member: T-Systems Slovakia
Europe will face a shortage of up to 900,000 ICT (information and communication technology) professionals by 2015. This well-established observation by analysts from the European Commission sounds overwhelming. In reality, the impact is even more widespread if we interpret it as: “European educational institutions are not developing enough (personnel) resources to shrink the gap.”
Desktop virtualization brings more security
Prepared by AmCham member: Citrix Systems
The tension between security and business productivity has never been so acute. To operate at peak performance and competitiveness, organizations need workers to access enterprise resources in more places and in more ways than ever before.
Forthcoming changes in copyright law
Prepared by AmCham member: DLA PIPER
An amendment to Act No. 618/2003 Coll. on Copyright and Rights related to Copyright (the “Copyright Act”) and Act No. 212/1997 Coll. on Required Copies of Periodicals, Non- Periodicals and Audiovisual Copies is currently in its second reading in the legislative process of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. The proposed changes are expected to come into effect as of 1 November 2013.
Digital IQ: Digital Conversations and the C-suite
Prepared by AmCham member: PwC
Digital IQ is a measure of how well companies understand the value of technology and weave it into the fabric of their organizations. According to CEOs, CIOs and C-suite members in our recent Digital IQ study, strong executive leadership and collaboration are crucial to building lasting value from information technology.
New companies in Slovakia
Prepared by AmCham member: DLA PIPER
The international law firm DLA Piper introduces the selection of newly established companies from the English speaking countries, which enter the Slovak business environment. Do not hesitate and take the opportunity to establish brand new business contacts and cooperation by way of new acquisition opportunities.
The American way of work
This article was published in “American Investor” the magazine of the American Chamber of Commerce in Poland.
To understand a hard-working nation, watch how its cultural identity plays out at the workplace.
Enjoy the stunning view
Prepared by AmCham member: Lindner Hotel Gallery Central
The well-known German hotel chain Lindner Hotels & Resorts was founded by the Lindner family 40 years ago. One of their latest endeavors has been an expansion to Slovakia, where they have brought a unique concept of including a hotel within the multifunctional dimension of a shopping and leisure center.
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