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- CSR — connecting work life and personal life
- Public Procurement needs to be not only efficient but also transparent
- Get to know businesses that do more than just make money
- Employing people with disabilities is part of a meaningful CSR strategy
- Finding time to give back
- Employees as a key to meaningful CSR
- Why are social innovations important?
- Taking responsibility for our work...
- Respecting human rights goes beyond corporate ethics
- The EIB – Slovakia’s traveling companion on its path to growth
CSR and Transparency
CSR — connecting work life and personal life
We live in a time when a bank robbery resonates with society more than a
breakthrough innovation or a visit by a Nobel Prize winner. The media
have long adhered to the mantra that says “good news is bad news” and to
the principle that a text which does not scare or upset anyone is not
journalism but advertising. By choosing mostly negative topics,
pessimism is becoming widespread. People then naturally feel that
society is in a worse state than it actually is.
Public Procurement needs to be not only efficient but also transparent
Imagine running a medium-sized carpentry business in northeastern Slovakia. Besides selling your products to households or local companies, you also offer products to public institutions.
Get to know businesses that do more than just make money
They are everywhere. Events about zero-waste lifestyle, sustainable fashion, healthy toys, slow food, and a slower way of life have become very popular in Bratislava recently. A lot of them revolve around the topic of responsibility in one way or another – responsibility towards the planet, your community, and even ourselves.
Employing people with disabilities is part of a meaningful CSR strategy
Currently, more than 150,000 thousand people in Slovakia with a disability are awaiting a job opportunity. In many instances, their disability can automatically exclude them from the job market. A meaningful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy with disability management knowledge can bring important benefits to companies and society as a whole.
Finding time to give back
They say charity begins at home – Johnson Controls employees haven’t forgotten that. Christmas may be three months away but they are already wrapping their presents. The presents are not for them, but for families and children who are in a difficult life situation.
Employees as a key to meaningful CSR
It is no longer true that an employee cannot participate in company policy. Today, there are many opportunities for employees to engage their potential and help not only their company, but also themselves, their colleagues, and, in particular, the surrounding environment.
Why are social innovations important?
Social innovation initiatives can create products, services, and models that answer to structural transformations of civic communities – but they are still fragile and unevenly diffused in Central Europe.
Taking responsibility for our work...
Almost everyone has a story related to his or her experience with the civil service in Slovakia. Unfortunately, in most cases it’s not a story expressing satisfaction and appreciation. A few years ago Monika Filipová decided to take matters in her own hands and has been on a courageous path towards changing this situation ever since.
Respecting human rights goes beyond corporate ethics
Human rights policies are essential for good corporate governance. Businesses pay closer attention to human rights not only due to the reputational and ethic dimension of their breaches. Human rights due diligence brings about numerous challenges but companies in Slovakia now have a partner to turn to for advice.
The EIB – Slovakia’s traveling companion on its path to growth
The European Investment Bank (EIB) celebrates its 60th anniversary this year and 25 years of activity in Slovakia. Vazil Hudák, the Vice-President responsible for Slovakia, cohesion countries, advisory and transport, explains what the Bank has achieved and its plans going forward.
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