AmCham Slovakia

How can the private and public sectors join forces and combat violence against women?

How can the private and public sectors join forces and combat violence against women?

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2021 From 10:00 to 11:30


Slovak version:

English version:

The role of women in society is irreplaceable. This was also pointed out by the ongoing corona crisis, which has multiplied the day-to-day challenges facing women. Reconciling work and family life, labor market insecurity and the growing incidence of violence against women are serious and long-standing issues that are closely linked to the issue of equality between women and men.

As part of the Women in Business initiative, the American Chamber of Commerce is an active advocate of equal opportunities for women and believes that society and business communities should take a proactive interest in issues that affect everyone. Its aim is to find solutions and bring together actors from the ranks of employers, professionals and public officials.

Event Goal

The aim of this event is to open up a discussion about the topics with regard to the status of women that have begun to resonate strongly during the COVID-19 pandemic and to find synergies for further possible cooperation between the private and public sector. In particular, the event will focus on the issue of inequality and violence against women.

  • Violence against women is a long-standing problem that affects women in all aspects of their lives. It has a physical, mental but also economic form. It fundamentally affects women's productivity and their ability to work. This is the most serious impact of inequality, without which equality cannot be achieved at all levels of society.
  • The government has set addressing inequality in society as one of its priorities. At the same time, the private sector, in cooperation with the non-profit sector, has begun to take an active interest in the issue of violence against women. In what areas is there room for cross-sectoral cooperation and what role should the private sector play to improve the position of women in Slovakia?


Round table opening
Jarmila Lajčáková, Advisor on Human and Minority Rights, The Office of the President of the Slovak Republic

Violence against women - a topic for the private sector?
Mounia El Hilali, CEO & CSO IKEA Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia

Business for a safe home - What can the private sector do in practice?
Zuzana Brixová, Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic
Peter Roľný, Ministry of the Interior of the SR, TBC
Barbora Burajová, Coordination and Methodological Center for the Prevention of Violence against Women
Dušana Karlovská, Fenestra
Silvia Porubänová, Slovak National Center for Human Rights

Together against violence: Private-public sector cooperation
Open discussion for all participants of the round table and conclusions

moderator: Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová


Useful Information before the event:

  • Please register no later than 29th March 12:00
  • Event will be held in Slovak language with translation to English
  • Recording from the event will be available here, after the event

Documents to download

July 02, 2021

Connection Magazine Report

Format: .pdf, size: 0.89MB


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