AmCham Slovakia

Energy crisis

Energy crisis

Monday, Nov 14, 2022 From 14:00 to 16:00

Historická sála, Východoslovenská galéria, Hlavná 110/27, Košice

Panel discussion in Košice


Panel discussion on current trends in energy prices, their impact on the business sector, industry, IT sector and small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.

The discussion agenda will focus on bellow mentioned questions:

  • What are the main reasons for high energy prices?
  • Current and forthcoming measures at the governmental and European level and the risks associated with them: Are price ceilings the right way to move forward? What are the possible risks?
  • What can we expect in 2024 in the area of energy prices? What is the estimated impact of the energy crisis on the business sector? Do we have data?
  • Can we see the light at the end of the tunnel? Is the solution hidden in alternative energy sources? 
  • What can be done by local players to fight the global energetic crisis?


Energy crisis – global and national overview:

  • Peter KREMSKÝ, Chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee of the National Assembly
  • Jana AMBROŠOVÁ, President of the Association of Energy Suppliers
  • Andrej JURIS, Chairman, the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO)
  • Juraj KRAJCÁR, Chairman of the Board of ZSE Energia, a. s.
  • Branislav SUŠILA, Head of the Regulatory Management section, Východoslovenská energetika Holding a.s

How to tackle the energetic crisis at the local level of Eastern Slovakia?

  • Kvetoslava ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, Director, Energy Activities Section, Department of Legislation, Methodology and Education of SIEA
  • Jaroslav ADAMKOVIČ, Director of the Department of Coordination of Regional Offices, SAŽP

Moderator: Ronald BLAŠKO, Executive Director of AmCham Slovakia


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