AmCham Slovakia

2nd Annual Restructuring Day

2nd Annual Restructuring Day

Tuesday, Mar 21, 2023 From 09:00 to 12:00

Jurkovičova Tepláreň, Bottova 1, Bratislava

Business Breakfast


Please note that this event will be held in Slovak language with no translation.

This is a purely physical event and will not be streamed online.


We would like to inform you that AmCham Slovakia together with Kinstellar and Slovenská sporiteľňa  is organizing an event “2nd Annual Restructuring Day” on the March 21st, 2023 at Jurkovičova tepláreň in Bratislava. 

This event is a follow-up to the successful event organized in March 2022, dedicated to corporate restructuring and the new legislation governing preventive restructurings. 

Join us on March 21st with interesting speakers from Kinstellar, Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s. and many more, including the drafters of the draft law on the Resolution of the Imminent Insolvency from the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak republic.


Special Guest: 

  • Viliam Karas, Minister of Justice of the Slovak Republic


8.30 – 9.00 Registration, Coffee & Breakfast, Networking

9.00 – 9.05 Opening & Introductory remarks – Gabriel Galgóci, president, AmCham Slovakia

9.05 – 9.30 Introductory remarks – Viliam Karas, Minister of Justice of the Slovak Republic (keynote speaker)

Barbora Bláhová from Kinstellar will accompany us during the event and ask questions from the auditorium.

9.30 – 10.30 Business Panel: Where has the market moved in the last 12 months, and what awaits us in 2023?

Moderator: Iveta Griačová, Partner (Interim Partner)


-       Zuzana Matejková, Director, Restructuring and Corporate Workout (Tatra banka)

-       Pavol Pravda, Partner (PwC Slovakia)

-       Lukáš Mikeska, Head of Corporate Finance and Restructuring (EY)

-       Viera Buštorová, Head of Non-Retail Workout and Restructuring (ČSOB)

10.30 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 12.00

Legal panel: Liability of statutory bodies in the context of insolvency legislation (news from the field of insolvency law)

Moderator: Viliam Myšička, Partner (Kinstellar)


-       Jana Duračinská, Vice-Rector of Property and Investments (Faculty of Law, Comenius University)

-       Patricia Gossányiová, Partner (Dentons)

-       Jaroslav Dolný, Special Insolvency Practitioner & Partner (Origon Recovery Solutions)

-     Martin Maliar, Director of Civil Law Section (Ministry of Justice)



8.30 – 9.00 Registrácia, raňajky, networking

9.00 – 9.05 Otvorenie podujatia – Gabriel Galgóci, prezident, AmCham Slovakia

9.05 – 9.30 Otvorenie podujatia – minister spravodlivosti SR Viliam Karas (keynote speaker)

Priebehom podujatia nás bude sprevádzať a kladenie otázok z auditória zabezpečovať pani Barbora Bláhová z advokátskej kancelárie Kinstellar.

9.30 – 10.30 Obchodný panel – Kam sa trh posunul za uplynulých 12 mesiacov a čo nás čaká v roku 2023?

 Moderátor: Iveta Griačová, partner (Interim Partner)


-       Zuzana Matejková, riaditeľka oddelenia reštrukturalizácií a korporátneho workoutu (Tatra banka)

-       Pavol Pravda, partner (PwC Slovakia)

-       Lukáš Mikeska, riaditeľ tímu korporátnych financií a reštrukturalizácií (EY)

-       Viera Buštorová, riaditeľka oddelenia non-retail workout and restructuring (ČSOB)


10.30 11.00 Prestávka, občerstvenie

11.00 12.00 Právny panel – Zodpovednosť štatutárov v kontexte insolvenčnej legislatívy – panel okorenený novinkami z oblasti insolvenčného práva

Moderátor: Viliam Myšička, partner (Kinstellar)


-       Jana Duračinská, prorektorka pre majetok a investície (PF UK)

-       Patricia Gossányiová, partnerka (Dentons)

-       Jaroslav Dolný, špeciálny správca a partner (Origon Recovery Solutions)

-       Martin Maliar, generálny riaditeľ Sekcie civilného práva (MS SR)


Documents to download

April 18, 2023

Connection magazine report

Format: .pdf, size: 0.60MB


Upcoming Events

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Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?
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