AmCham Slovakia

New Whistleblowing Regulation – Best Practices and New Practices

Complex View on Generative AI

Monday, Apr 17, 2023 From 09:00 to 11:30

Jurkovičova Tepláreň, Bottova 1, Bratislava

Business Breakfast


Impacts on the labor market, education, cybersec resilience, and ethics.

"It will reset everything" and a "game-changer" are some of the phrases used to describe generative AI. The introduction of generative AI has created so much buzz, it is already being labeled as one of the greatest technological breakthroughs.  Generative AI could already be helping you write emails, create appealing presentations, or make business-related decisions. It represents an immense potential for growth and creativity, but also possible risks and challenges we will have to consider and prepare for as a society. We are inviting you to this expert discussion, in which speakers from a variety of sectors will try to answer some of the most pressing questions.  


8:30 Registration, Coffee and Breakfast, Networking

9:00 Opening Remarks

9:05 Introductory Remarks - Walter Pasquarelli, Generative AI & Data Policy Expert

9:20 Panel Discussion: Charting a Path for Business Success and Responsible Implementation

As public interest around generative AI grows, businesses and governments are exploring how to maximise the benefits around this technology whilst mitigating its risk. This panel will bring together experts to explore common use cases for generative AI in businesses today, its impact on the workforce as well as how to safeguard transparency and explainability. Finally, we'll dive into emerging trends and the building blocks of regulation and governance structures that will shape the future of generative AI in the labor market.


  • Ivana Budinská, Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • Juraj Čorba, Digital Single Market and International Cooperation, Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak republic
  • David N. Barnes, Vice President, Global Workforce Policy, IBM Corporation 
  • Marcin Mosiolek, Chief Data Scientist, Sii

Moderated by Walter Pasquarelli, Generative AI and Data Policy Expert

10:20 Coffee Break

10:40 Panel Discussion: Navigating the Ethical and Regulatory Landscape of Generative AI

From ethical risks to regulatory challenges and technical elements, this panel will provide insights on how to balance the potential benefits of this transformative technology with security and compliance concerns. Drawing on cutting-edge research and practical examples, we will explore trust implications for the public, the emerging policy landscape and ensure that generative AI is designed and implemented in an ethical and socially responsible manner.


  • Milena Jaburková, Vice President, Confederation of Czech Industry for Digital Economy and Education
  • Xiaolu Hou, Assistant Professor and Cybersecurity Expert, Slovak University of Technology 
  • Juraj Podroužek, Ethics and Human Values in Technology, KInIT

Moderated by Walter Pasquarelli, Generative AI and Data Policy Expert

11:30 Informal Networking

Both panel discussions will be held in English language.

Experts from ICT sector, research, education, cybersec, and academia will try to find answers to these pressing questions.  


! Please note that this event will be held in English language. 


Documents to download

July 19, 2023

Connection magazine Report

Format: .pdf, size: 0.41MB

March 16, 2023


Format: .pdf, size: 0.12MB


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