Access to and Enhancement of Health Data Usability
Wednesday, Dec 13, 2023 From 09:00 to 15:00
AmCham Slovakia has been dedicated to the development of health data policy and improving the quality of healthcare in Slovakia per se for last few years. Through AmCham‘s activities, we try to bring in the best practices from abroad and inspire the representatives of the public sector to make the necessary investments and reforms. This webinar builds on previous joint efforts, including cooperation with numerous key stakeholders, such as Bratislava's Declaration and Health Data Value Project.
The aim of this event is to enable experience sharing from countries with matured health data system (Denmark and Finland) to the relevant Slovak government institutions and relevant members of AmCham Healthcare committee. The scope is to provide new perspectives on access to health data and health data usability for secondary use while meeting security and other relevant standards within the EU territory.
FIRST PART OF THE EVENT (hybrid form, in English)
9:00 – 10:50 Presentation of Danish Health Data Authority including Q&As
Why we choose the Danish Health Data Authority?
The TEHDAS project focused on this institute as one of example of the authority to health data access. Compared to FINDATA, it is a more complex institution which has a larger number of employees compared to FINDATA (FINDATA has approx. 30 employees, Danish Health Data Authority has approximately 300) and a wider range of tasks and responsibilities. In addition to providing data, it is also data holder/owner (manages the national health register and other). It is more like the Slovak health care data authority.
10:50 – 11:00 Short break
11:00 – 13:00 Presentation of FINDATA - Social and Health Data Permit Authority including Q&As
Why we choose FINDATA - Social and Health Data Permit Authority?
FINDATA is an example of an existing health data access authority which was one of health data platforms included in the TEHDAS project. It is focused on providing advice, granting for secondary use of social and health data and at the same time is responsible for the preliminary processing of permitted data. Also, it is focused more on communication with data holders and preparation of data/data outputs from these data holders/owners for data requester. It has metadata catalogue (overview of available data).
SECOND PART OF THE EVENT (in presence form, in Slovak and by invitation only)
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch and discussion with the public sector representatives about the next steps
- Your Contact person
- Tomáš Jucha
- Senior Policy Manager
- +421 947 939 030

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