AmCham Slovakia

Unveiling Eastern Slovakia´s Potential: PHASE 3

Unveiling Eastern Slovakia´s Potential: PHASE 3

Wednesday, Jan 31, 2024 From 17:00 to 21:00

Kasárne/Kulturpark, Kukučínova 2, Košice

Presentation & Panel Discussion


We are thrilled to celebrate the successful completion of our collaborative efforts in mapping the potential of Eastern Slovakia in 2023. Following several months of dedicated teamwork with you, our members, and partners, we have now reached Phase 3 of our 'Mapping the Potential of Eastern Slovakia' project. Together, we've uncovered both the strengths and weaknesses of our region. It's time to come together and commemorate the outcomes of our collective work and our final recommendations for better, competitive, and successful tomorrows for Eastern Slovakia.

At the event, we will present 18 key recommendations aimed at fostering the success, prosperity, and competitiveness of the Eastern Slovakia region. This comprehensive position paper, a testament to our joint endeavors, is set to be unveiled, and we owe its existence to your valuable contributions

The event will include the presentation of the position paper of regional pillar, a brief overview, and a subsequent panel discussion with relevant stakeholders about the outcomes.

After the presentation, we look forward to celebrating the official kick-off with you over a glass of good wine.



16:30  Registration

17:00  Opening Remarks

17:20  Unveiling of the Position Document & Presentation

17:50  Panel Discussion – Business Talk

18:30  Panel Discussion – Talent Talk

19:00  Reception & Networking

20:30  Business Card Raffle 


Documents to download

April 24, 2024

Connection magazine report

Format: .pdf, size: 0.56MB

January 30, 2024


Format: .pdf, size: 1.06MB

January 30, 2024


Format: .pdf, size: 1.01MB

January 09, 2024


Format: .pdf, size: 0.18MB


Upcoming Events

Conference organized by the Slovak National Security Authority; Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic; and AmCham Slovakia
Workshop for SMEs
AmCham Slovakia is celebrating its 30th anniversary
AmCham Slovakia is celebrating its 30th anniversary
AmCham Slovakia is celebrating its 30th anniversary
Part of the Festival of Future
AmCham Slovakia is celebrating its 30th anniversary
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