AmCham Slovakia

Energy from Waste - Heat & Power for Slovakia

Energy from Waste - Heat & Power for Slovakia

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 From 09:00 to 11:00

Hotel Lux, Námestie Slobody 397/2

Business Breakfast in Banská Bystrica


Slovakia is one of the countries with the highest rate of landfilling. How to make sense of waste and reduce the landfill rate to 10% by 2035? Can Slovak regions contribute to this goal?

Energy recovery of waste can be an opportunity for several regions in Slovakia. Energy recovery facilities not only contribute to the reduction of landfilling in a given location, but can also harness the potential of non-recyclable waste to generate sustainable energy in the form of heat and electricity. This opportunity is also offered to the city of Slovakia, where the heat produced from waste can make a significant contribution to heating its inhabitants.



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