AmCham Slovakia

Health Check Day

Bordering Regions at the Forefront: Slovakia's Role in Ukraine's Reconstruction

Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024 From 15:00 to 17:00

Jurkovičova Tepláreň (Main Stage)

Part of the Festival of Future


Although the war is still ongoing, we believe that one day it will end, and Ukraine will regain its full territorial integrity and sovereignty, as guaranteed by international law. However, due to the consequences of the war, Ukraine will face a challenging period requiring the reconstruction of or the building of new capacities to replace those affected or destroyed by the conflict. No country recovers from war without the help of its allies and neighbors. We can see this assistance and support as a burden, or we can see it as an opportunity. At AmCham, we definitely see it as an opportunity and even a necessary strategy to adopt at the national level, but especially at the regional level, in Eastern Slovakia, which is in the closest proximity to Ukraine.

AmCham has the potential to hold a unique position as a natural partner, neutral stakeholder, and "honest broker" in advocating for this issue. Therefore, we have decided to dedicate a special segment during the Festival of Future to the topic of Ukraine’s reconstruction and to facilitate an open discussion with key stakeholders.

The discussion will focus on the following questions: What role can Slovakia, particularly Eastern Slovakia, play in the context of Ukraine's reconstruction? Who are the relevant stakeholders that should connect and cooperate in this regard? What is the readiness of regional capacities and infrastructure to support this process?

AmCham Slovakia will proudly use its platform and network to promote this topic. Together with our partner, the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), we believe that by organizing this event, we can contribute to the creation of a transparent network of potential business partners and engage in discussions with other institutional partners, including the European Commission, AmCham Ukraine, and others.

In partnership with CIPE, we are preparing a one-of-a-kind strategic discussion and invite you to join us for this dynamic event. This event will explore the future of Ukraine and highlight the critical role that Slovakia, particularly the region of Eastern Slovakia bordering Ukraine, can play in its reconstruction.


Event Highlights:

  • Format: A 120-minute session featuring presentations, discussions, and speeches.
  • Key Speakers: Hear from leaders at AmCham Ukraine, state public officials, diplomacy figures, research experts and top stakeholders from Slovak and Ukrainian businesses.
  • Host: Jeffrey Lightfoot, Program Director for Europe at the Centre for International Private Enterprise.



  • Key Players: Identifying essential stakeholders for successful collaboration.
  • Partnerships: Opportunities for the Slovak private sector in rebuilding Ukraine and fostering business connections.
  • Support Mechanisms: National support for Slovak businesses and available mechanisms in Ukraine.
  • Best Practices: Successful business cooperation examples, personal succes stories and insights.
  • Guidance: How Slovak companies can participate in Ukraine's reconstruction.
  • Strategic Perspectives: Steps needed at European, national, and regional levels to make Slovakia a hub for reconstruction.


Additional Information:

  • Registration: Separate registration is required, even as part of the Festival of Future.
  • Changes: We reserve the right to adjust the program as needed.
  • Program Details: Full program, including speakers and timeline, will be announced soon.


Don't miss this chance to be part of the discussion shaping the future of Ukraine and Slovakia's role in it.



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