AmCham Slovakia

Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?

Topical Focus Event: Governance of Health Data - How to Utilize Their Value and Potential?

Thursday, Sep 12, 2024 From 09:00 to 12:00

BASE Main Stage (Jurkovičova tepláreň), Bottova 1, Bratislava

Part of the Festival of Future

Health data holds incredible potential to improve public health policymaking, better predictability in system financing, forecast the evolution of demands on the health system, and last but not least, new avenues and options for the patient for earlier diagnosis and less invasive and more targeted treatments. In order to utilize the potential of health data aspects such data rights, ownership, data security, data sharing, reporting, analytics and ethical data use should not be underestimated and set properly. Let’s elaborate with us more closely on these topics in the discussion with public and private health data subjects during the workshop under the lead of OECD health data policies expert.

The workshop will explore practical approach to policy for the digitalisation of health towards person-centred and integrated learning health systems. This workshop will explore

  • The need to re-think the approach to health to take advantage of the digital age (aka – we don’t say ‘digital banking’ and yet it has been digitalized – what can we learn)
  • Lessons and policies for each of the components of an integrated ecosystem
    • Analytics and artificial intelligence (e.g., fostering trust, enabling equitability and scale)
    • Health data (e.g., access, privacy, and security; data quality)
    • Technical foundations (e.g., security; infrastructure; procurement)
    • Human factors (e.g., capacity, capability, measurement, oversight)

Participants will understand the key policy questions that should be asked to develop policies that foster trust, accountability, sustainability, equitability, and scalability. 

Registration is open! As the number of seats is limited, registrations will be accepted on a “First come, First served” basis. 

The workshop will be held in English language with translation into Slovak.

Documents to download

October 15, 2024

Connection magazine report

Format: .pdf, size: 0.46MB


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