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- The AmCham of tomorrow
- Reinforcing the links within the innovation ecosystem one step at a time
- Slovak companies lag behind on the digital front
- Using the cloud in the legal profession
- The importance of responsive web design
- Technology in HR and payroll
- E-commerce growth shakes up the logistics sector
- The 2016 EU presidency country: Slovakia — Europe’s best kept secret
- Not your usual factory…
- Tomáš Baťa – Our inventions are used in real life
Digital Economy
The AmCham of tomorrow
I would like to share with you some of my thoughts on how AmCham Slovakia can play an important role in helping Slovakia achieve her ambitions.
Reinforcing the links within the innovation ecosystem one step at a time
We have heard the phrase “knowledge economy” so many times in the past couple of years. We have seen many conferences, panel discussions, round-tables and public and private initiatives aimed at transforming Slovakia’s economy into an innovation powerhouse. We have also seen some promising results – several Slovak startups have achieved a high-level of visibility, several Slovak now-mature companies have built on the global tech transformation. The last couple of years were truly defining – I doubt that today anyone would question the importance of technology in social or economic transformations. I doubt that today anyone would challenge the fact that terms “technology” and “knowledge economy” inevitably go hand-in-hand.
Slovak companies lag behind on the digital front
Slovak and Czech companies use digital technologies to control costs and processes, but underestimate their importance for key business activities – to win customers and attract talent. This is a key finding of PwC’s Digital IQ 2015 survey.
Using the cloud in the legal profession
Cloud computing has become one of the most profitable, well-established segments of global information technology services. In EU alone, the cumulative economic impact of cloud computing has been predicted to stand at €940 billion and 3.8 million jobs for the period of 2015-20201.
The importance of responsive web design
What device do you use to surf the web? How often and why? You probably use a laptop or desktop at your office, your smartphone or tablet while commuting or waiting for someone, and you may also use a smart TV or videogame console, e.g. PlayStation or Xbox at home to surf the internet. We use so many different devices, with different screen sizes to connect to the internet. What does your website look like on these devices?
Technology in HR and payroll
Today, technology plays an important role in many business areas. HR and payroll are no exception. Even though these two fields are highly dependent on country specifics and local legislation, there are many areas where HR can speed up processes, reduce mistakes and save costs using technology. This article looks at the innovations businesses can implement in their HR. Firstly, the general possibilities are described, and then their advantages are presented. Finally, three ways to implement IT solutions are presented.
E-commerce growth shakes up the logistics sector
The boom in e-commerce is continuing with logistics providers facing a quickly developing market. Solutions are required to satisfy increasing demands from the e-commerce market. Last mile deliveries need to be more flexible, transparent and cost-efficient. Same day deliveries are no longer an exception, but have become a standard service. Omnichannel is the latest development in the retail sector and online retailers are increasing their bricks and mortar presence.
The 2016 EU presidency country: Slovakia — Europe’s best kept secret
The 2016 EU Presidency country is a little known, landlocked country often confused with its region cousin Slovenia. You will be hearing more about this region in the years to come. Get ahead of the trend, and discover Europe’s “forgotten” country.
Not your usual factory…
AmCham members had the opportunity to hear Simon Schaefer live at AmCham’s conference “The Conversation: Startups & Corporates”, held in January of this year. As one of the main speakers, he introduced the concept of Factory, which took the Berlin startup scene by storm. This success inspired him to take the concept to other destinations, so we may soon expect Factories in other cities.
Tomáš Baťa – Our inventions are used in real life
In cooperation with the web portal osobnosti.sk, we created a special section in Connection dedicated to introducing interesting personalities of Slovak origin who moved to the United States and through their work and passion made a name for themselves. Some of them are famous in Slovakia as well, some of them are almost unknown. Osobnosti.sk aims to promote Slovak personalities who have made a real impact in their field and who have the potential to inspire many others.
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