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- Slovak Presidency: a View from Brussels
- The Slovak EU Presidency in the Shadow of Brexit
- The Digital Single Market – Challenges During the Slovak EU Presidency
- The Digital Single Market: On the Crossroads
- Erasmus: the backbone of student mobility for almost three decades
- Turning the grid from a one-way corridor to an electricity highway
- Michael Bosak – The Immigrant with a Dollar in his Pocket
EU Affairs
Slovak Presidency: a View from Brussels
When Slovakia takes on the Presidency of the Council of the European
Union on 1 July, it will be doing so for the first time, just twelve
years after its accession to the EU.
The Slovak EU Presidency in the Shadow of Brexit
When we initially approached Zuzana Gabrižová, Editor in Chief of EurActiv.sk, we discussed an interview about the priorities, opportunities and challenges of the Slovak EU Presidency. However, the British referendum dramatically changed the entire context of the Slovak EU Presidency. Brexit has raised many difficult questions and it seems that it will take some time to find the answers. We talked about the immediate impact on Slovakia’s role during the next six months, as well as the possible long-term consequences for the European project.
The Digital Single Market – Challenges During the Slovak EU Presidency
In recent years, digitalization has played a significant role in our daily lives and undoubtedly this will not change in the near future. Even though steps have already been taken with regard to creating a Digital Single Market in the EU, much is left to be done. What will the Slovak Presidency’s contribution to this issue be?
The Digital Single Market: On the Crossroads
The Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy is without any reservation one of the key opportunities of the current decade to restore the dynamism of the European economy. The decisions made during the early stages of the legislative process of most crucial policy proposals will determine whether DSM will deliver the promised benefits, or, in fact, make trading across the single market harder and slow down the digitization of industry.
Erasmus: the backbone of student mobility for almost three decades
The Erasmus+ program is a European Commission program supported by both EU supporters and integration sceptics. Student and university graduate traineeships offered by the Erasmus+ program are a win-win case for both students and companies.
Turning the grid from a one-way corridor to an electricity highway
In recent years, the energy market has undergone significant development which has been driven by the increased production of renewable energy, price volatility in energy markets and most recently, by a shift in customer behavior – turning customers from passive grid users to active prosumers. Furthermore, the digitalization of the electricity grid has triggered new challenges for energy companies and policy makers.
Michael Bosak – The Immigrant with a Dollar in his Pocket
In cooperation with the web portal osobnosti.sk, we created a special
section in Connection dedicated to introducing interesting personalities
of Slovak origin who moved to the United States and through their work
and passion made a name for themselves. Some of them are famous in
Slovakia as well, some of them are almost unknown. Osobnosti.sk aims to
promote Slovak personalities who have made a real impact in their field
and who have the potential to inspire many others.
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