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- Any attempt at a meaningful change requires solid foundations
- Thanksgiving Charity Drive: 15,000 EUR for charity!
- Social responsibility in day-to-day business
- The Roma can help in many regions
- Rule of law in Slovakia and its impact on the business environment
- Safeguarding patients’ interests and care
- The business of doing good
- Introducing the Year of Human Capital
CSR and Transparency
Any attempt at a meaningful change requires solid foundations
I do perceive the existing problems of the legislative process, and the
high degree of distrust in institutions. In the end, I often pointed out
these issues in the past as an opposition politician. However, a fair
and honest definition of the status quo would also include the
realization that the development of Slovak society didn’t begin in 1992
or in 1989, and that the situation of society is influenced not only by
formal but also informal rules heavily influenced by long-term cultural
and historical development.
Thanksgiving Charity Drive: 15,000 EUR for charity!
Each year, AmCham supports a selected charity through the annual Thanksgiving Charity Drive. The charity chosen for this year – Under the Wings of Dominika – received a donation of 15, 000 EUR, thanks to the generous contributions of AmCham members. Under the Wings of Dominika was started by parents who lost their daughter Dominika to cancer and decided to turn this horrible experience into something positive by helping other families in a similar situation. Žaneta Petrášová, Dominika’s mother and the founder of the charity, told us more about its goals and mission.
Social responsibility in day-to-day business
In the 21st century, we are surrounded by social media and information from many sources. Manual work is being replaced by automation. We seem to be living in an idyllic world, but is our life really better? Are we happier?
The Roma can help in many regions
Slovakia has long faced the problem of the economic and social integration of long-term unemployed and marginalized groups. The number of unemployed people is growing and companies face shortages of trained applicants. However, initiatives aiming to solve this problem do exist and some show promising results.
Rule of law in Slovakia and its impact on the business environment
Slovakia is building a reputation as a smart and innovative country. Political and economic stability, the euro, a competitive taxation system, a skilled, highly educated workforce, favorable labor costs, steadily improving infrastructure, the availability of industrial land and property for purchase, harmonized investment incentives and the high innovation potential for R&D projects all add up to great potential for foreign investors.
Safeguarding patients’ interests and care
GSK is a science-led global healthcare company which researches and develops a broad range of innovative products in three primary areas of Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines and Consumer Healthcare. The company has a significant global presence with commercial operations in more than 150 countries, a network of 89 manufacturing sites, and large R&D centres in Europe, North America and Asia. We are proud of the fact that GSK is leading a reform of the industry’s commercial operating model in the interests of patients, healthcare professionals (HCPs) and shareholders.
The business of doing good
Social entrepreneurship is still a rather new term in the Slovak business environment. However, the success of the early initiatives, the growing interest of the startup community, and especially its boom in bigger markets all suggest that this is likely to change. Baška Klimek, who knows the local social business and innovation scene like few others, shared her views on the specifics of this business model and its potential in Slovakia.
Introducing the Year of Human Capital
Since 2011, AmCham has adopted a practice of dedicating the entire year to one particular theme, which provides a unifying umbrella for most of its activities and advocacy efforts during the given year.
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