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- Since we are naked, let’s try to look good
- Name game: putting a price on a company´s brand
- Generation Z as a factor in shaping the future
- HR Marketing: Not everybody can be Google!
- We can always count on the nerds…
- Companies need not be perfect, but they must be ready to admit a mistake
- Machines can understand the emotion of Slovak language
Branding and Marketing
Since we are naked, let’s try to look good
In a way, almost every brand is naked nowadays. That is, at least
virtually: on the Internet and in social media, in comments under the
individual posts. Brands and their stories are constantly scrutinized
for their correctness and integrity as well as values. Thanks to the
Internet, no brand can hide anymore. Even if deleting a social media
profile may be relatively easy, there are traces that remain, there is
history, metadata, statuses of fans on Facebook, etc. Nakedness is a
natural state in today’s world of communication. Therefore, any brand
should care about making sure it doesn’t have to be ashamed when the
clothes come off.
Name game: putting a price on a company´s brand
Valuing a company brand demands a complex mix of art and science that can produce wildly differing estimates. Although difficult to measure and heavily influenced by public opinion, the brand and its value remain of critical importance for every company.
Generation Z as a factor in shaping the future
Generation Z, a group of teenagers aged 20 and below, is an influencing factor in shaping the world. As Post-Millennials are changing the consumer behavior quite significantly, it may be argued that they are one of the key indicators of what marketing will look like in the next few years. Let’s have a look at some current trends and observations that may help us in planning future business-related strategies.
HR Marketing: Not everybody can be Google!
What makes a company unique as an employer? The answer provides the key to securing a good position on the labor market. A company should be clear about its goals and values. It is important to know who your target audience is and the position you aspire to achieve as an employer on the market. Not everyone can be Google.
We can always count on the nerds…
Thomas Kolster believes that brands and marketers have a much bigger role and responsibility than just increasing their sales. He claims that brands need to focus on doing good and that this approach is the only option if they want to stay relevant, credible and even profitable. He calls on brands to accept their responsibility for the future of mankind and to create real value. And when you listen to him and see his energy, passion, enthusiasm and persisting optimism, it is hard not to believe this man…
Companies need not be perfect, but they must be ready to admit a mistake
While the world of marketing is about emotions, sustainability and CSR rely on complexity and rationality. Despite this, these two worlds can be effectively linked together. Let us present you with a set of recommendations which the Business Leaders Forum association issued at the end of last year. This time they are focused on CSR communication.
Machines can understand the emotion of Slovak language
Great mixer but I had to complain about it within a month. And it was a horrid experience. What´s the emotion behind such a status? A tool developed by scientists at the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies at the Slovak Technical University (FIIT STU) in Bratislava ranks it at the level of 24 percent (at a scale from -100 to +100 percent).
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