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- Human Capital in Slovakia: Preparing for the next industrial revolution
- A long-term journey
- Need for increased collaboration on human capital challenges
- Candidate shortages and solutions
- Winning the war for talent – the power of digital culture
- Slovak Labor Code Amendment
- Maintaining and enhancing the top employer status
- Skills for Success – preparing students for the real world
- No unicorns but real-life success stories...
- How business mentoring can change our schools for the better
Human Capital: Education and Labor
Human Capital in Slovakia: Preparing for the next industrial revolution
We are at the dawn of a new industrial revolution – the era of data-driven business with a strong role played by artificial intelligence, machine learning, and digital factories. The previous revolution of World Wide Web caught me at the university – only 20 years ago. Since that time technological innovations have been emerging at an amazing speed. The amount of data, and its value to business, increases at an exponential rate. As previous changes, this revolution will bring new business processes, create new job roles (many never heard of before) and enable new ways of creating wealth.
A long-term journey
After 17 years in the position of AmCham’s Executive Director, Jake Slegers will have the opportunity to enjoy some rest and look for new challenges. Under his guidance, AmCham has expanded its activities, its membership base and earned the position of a respectable voice of the business community. Seventeen years can’t be summarized in three pages but this brief interview at least recounts Jake’s beginnings in Slovakia and in AmCham, as well as some of the most important developments in AmCham’s history.
Need for increased collaboration on human capital challenges
Organizations face skills gaps, workplace shifts, a more vocal and empowered workforce, and societal call to action, as nearly three-quarters of executives rate AI as a critical issue.
Candidate shortages and solutions
The Slovak and CEE HR market faces three main challenges: a shortage of skilled workers, a mismatch between competences required by employers and those of available candidates, and the fact that millennials expect a mid-level management position while often they do not have the right skills or experience and refuse traditional and manual work.
Winning the war for talent – the power of digital culture
For the first time in history, we now have four generations in the workplace. For business leaders across Europe, it means that finding and cultivating the best talent has never been more important – or more challenging.
Slovak Labor Code Amendment
On May 1st 2018, an amendment to the Labor Code and related acts came
into force. Below, we state the most important changes introduced by
this amendment:
Maintaining and enhancing the top employer status
Many talented people believe they need to leave the country for the sake of an international career. It is important to do everything possible to keep local talent here, while offering them opportunities to develop and obtain international exposure. Philip Morris Slovakia has received the TOP EMPLOYER award in the past four years and, as the first company in the CEE region, obtained EQUAL SALARY certification in 2018. Working conditions, diversity and inclusion, equal opportunities and international career potentials make Philip Morris Slovakia a competitive employer globally.
Skills for Success – preparing students for the real world
The preparedness of university graduates for job vacancies, particularly in IT, is an increasingly discussed issue. In close cooperation with the Faculty of Electronical Engineering and Informatics at the Technical University of Košice, the American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic offered a voluntary course “Skills for Success – from University to the Workplace” to our students in the academic year 2017/2018.
No unicorns but real-life success stories...
The disruptions of the digital era and the imminent Industry 4.0 are reshaping the expectations on the education system. The current situation in Slovakia calls for a dramatic change of mindset at different levels and concrete steps in reaction to these demands. And although this change is taking place at a frustratingly slow pace, there are organizations which have identified a clear goal and are making real progress. In close cooperation with the business sphere, LEAF has launched activities on several fronts. This demonstrates, that, with the right approach, ambitious goals can be reachable. Jana Trnovská, Head of Slovak Professionals Abroad Program at LEAF, reveals more about LEAF’s mission and activities.
How business mentoring can change our schools for the better
Entrepreneurship education strengthens positive mindsets, improves problem-solving skills, and enhances employability on leaving school. Studies confirm that the motivation of most students taking courses in entrepreneurship is increased for all their school work.
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