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- The economy’s need of Shared Service Centers
- Selling a business to an investor – strategies for privately held companies
- From junior generalists to senior versatilists
- The Walloon region of Belgium …The place to be!
- Why is Slovakia losing competitiveness?
- No bubble on Slovak or Czech residential real estate market
- I’m HERE for you - literally! Your on-site concierge.
Trade and investment
The economy’s need of Shared Service Centers
The first shared services centers (SSCs) started to appear in Slovakia at the beginning of the new millennium. Since then, more than 40 shared services centers have become part of an evolving community and they nowadays represent a significant industry sector in our country. SSCs create job opportunities for more than 30 000 skilled and educated people with a double the average salary of the Slovak economy, pay more than three million euro a year on taxes and levies to the state, and thus significantly affect the economy in a positive way.
Selling a business to an investor – strategies for privately held companies
Privately held companies are only sold by the founders once! Most of the time these founders have strong personal bonds to their companies and lack an unbiased view, which can lead to the refusal of reasonable offers from investors. As with all projects, proper pre-sale planning and a structured transaction process can help to mitigate possible deal-breakers.
From junior generalists to senior versatilists
Shared services centers (SSCs), or business services centers, have quietly evolved from an invisible segment of the Slovak economy into a strong and confident sector. They are mostly subsidiaries of global corporations – with an increasingly greater influence on their parent companies.
The Walloon region of Belgium …The place to be!
Looking at the map of Europe, the continent is one of the richest and most diverse historically, naturally, economically, culturally and linguistically. Each country has its own unique story. Belgium is one of Europe’s smallest countries, yet very complex in its own way.
Why is Slovakia losing competitiveness?
Slovakia’s competitiveness keeps dropping. The latest World Competitiveness Yearbook ranks the country in 55th place, down four positions compared to the previous year.
No bubble on Slovak or Czech residential real estate market
The good economic performance of the Slovak and Czech economy is stimulating demand for residential real estate and prices are rising. In Slovakia, this trend is seen across the country, but in the Czech Republic, it is mainly concentrated in Prague. We currently cannot speak of a bubble in any of these countries as incomes are, in the main, rising in line with prices.
I’m HERE for you - literally! Your on-site concierge.
Being in real-estate must be tough. With new developments in every sector, it is not easy to implement all those changes and innovations into your “product”. With the dynamic economy and fluctuating affordability, it is necessary to take into consideration various aspects that increase (or decrease) the value of your “product”.
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