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- AI and Digital Transformation Impacts and Solutions
- AmCham - the voice of reason, the voice of business
- Understanding what makes people tick
- The future of HR is now
- Changing the Slovak education system from the inside
- What skills do BSC employees need?
- Corporate training programs: Trends in future skills
- 4 awards in one month. What is the secret of Swiss Re Slovakia?
- From university to workplace
- Bringing top business minds and students together
- Making the labor code work
- Education of young people is our priority
Work in Slovakia - Good Idea!
AI and Digital Transformation Impacts and Solutions
The most recent research results on requirements for human capital
change due to digital transformation shows it is essential to shift
skills development towards competence development, as part of the
workforce will be replaced by machines and skills will be gradually
replaced by artificial intelligence. The development of systemic and
critical thinking in the context of ICT use represents a fundamental
added value for an employee in the labor market at a time of digital
transformation. Canada is an example – a country where artificial
intelligence development is fundamentally changing the structure of the
labor market, and the adoption of a national program for the development
of basic competences (communication, digital, mathematics, etc.) will
be the answer for the labor market.
AmCham - the voice of reason, the voice of business
Although Todd Bradshaw, Chief Operating Officer & Tax and Legal Services Leader at PwC, was born in Australia, he possesses a unique knowledge of Slovak realities. His almost two decades at PwC Slovakia as well as nearly a full decade in AmCham’s Board of Directors enabled him to witness the transformation of Slovak economy and society first-hand. He shared some of his interesting views related to Slovakia’s development and AmCham’s role in this brief interview.
Understanding what makes people tick
Slovak labor market has entered a highly competitive climate due to decreasing levels of unemployment. As a result, Slovak employers face many challenges in the area of human resource management. PwC’s annual PayWell compensation study researches and delivers solutions to key challenges presented in our society by obtaining an overview of the compensation practices in the Slovak market.
The future of HR is now
Today’s employers face a daunting array of historic challenges as they speed into a digital economy that’s already transforming businesses and the traditional human resources (HR) functions that serve them. Our latest survey exposes a clear gulf between action and inertia. HR change is inevitable, but as our study reveals, HR leaders have conflicting attitudes and approaches to this change.
Changing the Slovak education system from the inside
“The quality of university graduates entering the professional market in Slovakia has been an ongoing topic of discussion for years across all sectors,” we wrote almost eight years ago in Connection magazine while attempting to recap the first successful pilot of AmCham’s Train the Trainer (TTT) series of workshops. Unfortunately, this topic is more than relevant even in 2019. We feel that university and high school graduates are still not living up to their potential and companies are investing millions of euros into retraining fresh graduates entering the labor market and up-skilling the current employees.
What skills do BSC employees need?
Changes in business service centers operations require a new skill set. When they started arriving in Slovakia in the 1990s, most business service centers (BSCs) could be described as call centers. Even though some activities are still purely transactional, the centers have developed and many processes have become automated in order to eliminate repetitive tasks.
Corporate training programs: Trends in future skills
Corporate education has been changing over the last decade, initially it was about allowing employees to work on their weaknesses, then it was more about implementation as a tool to provide motivational benefits. During training programs, I often stress that the right approach is neither to claim: “You are not performing well enough, you are going on a course” nor “We appreciate your approach, so as a reward you will be participating in our latest talent program”.
4 awards in one month. What is the secret of Swiss Re Slovakia?
Continuous innovation is one of the reasons why Swiss Re is one of the world leaders in reinsurance. People in Bratislava engage in a large number of these innovative initiatives. In the last month the company won four awards in Slovakia and in the CEE region. Nima Motazed, the Managing Director and Head of Swiss Re Slovakia gave us an insight into Bratislava’s potential, their company culture and approach to innovations.
From university to workplace
Business Shared Service Centers in Slovakia are finding it more and more difficult to keep growing. Many of the new positions being opened require candidates with specific skill sets and fresh graduates often fail to meet the expected criteria. Through AmCham’s Business Service Center Forum (BSCF) they’ve decided to tackle this problem by preparing their future employees while they’re still students. Peter Galamboš, Financial Analysis Consultant at Dell, who is one of the key people involved in the education activities of BSCF told us more about the course offered to students at five universities in Bratislava and Košice.
Bringing top business minds and students together
The Mentor Network Program already has a long tradition and hundreds of young people as well as dozens of distinguished mentors have passed through the program. It is a great example of how a good idea in the right hands can develop into a fruitful long-term cooperation and influence the lives of many young people. We talked to Martin Kardoš, Managing Director CEE, CSI Leasing, Inc., the man behind this idea.
Making the labor code work
Satisfied employees are a prerequisite for a successful business. This is why every employer should ensure compliance with the labor law. This may prove to be a demanding task as labor law provisions have failed to keep pace with the Fourth Industrial Revolution and do not reflect the current needs of the employers.
Education of young people is our priority
The Deutsche Post DHL Group, one of the largest employers in the world prefers highly qualified employees around the world. The sustainability and innovative strength of the economy and society depends on a strong education system and the targeted development of future generations of young professionals. In addition, in today’s fast-moving world, education provides greater stability and prosperity – for individuals, companies and markets.
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