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- How to uncover the untapped potential of the poorest people
- Why companies and NGOs should join forces locally
- Companies should not exist for profit alone
- Slovak Telekom inspires businesses to eliminate prejudices in communications
- Circular Slovakia – a platform for circular economy
- The untapped potential of marginalized communities
- The regulatory framework and the burden for businesses
Pillars of Good Society
How to uncover the untapped potential of the poorest people
The potential customers, loyal employees, possible business partners live next to us. However, we ignore this niche and we have not yet found the courage to invest more in them. In the long run, we are harming both them and ourselves.
Why companies and NGOs should join forces locally
Economic globalization is changing relationships between NGOs and their corporate donors. The typical “mode” in the past where supporters donated money to different charities and let them just “go with the flow” is long ago outdated and no longer works effectively.
Companies should not exist for profit alone
Dynamic development and rapid changes have hit the society of the 21st century. We would hardly find a field which has remained the same as ten years ago. And it also affects entrepreneurship. Its role in society is changing and is no longer just about providing services for remuneration. Today, a company no longer has to choose between profiting and solving society-wide problems.
Slovak Telekom inspires businesses to eliminate prejudices in communications
Slovak Telekom has a long-term commitment to help the community in which it does business thrive. The company has demonstrated its long-standing effort to systematically shape the environment and communities via various social responsibility projects. Most notably, Slovak Telekom has run projects for the hearing impaired since 2002 and recently introduced projects for people with sight loss. We discussed how the company wants to shape the changing society with its Chief Country Officer in Slovakia, Dušan Švalek.
Circular Slovakia – a platform for circular economy
Can we continue to carry on with linear production models indefinitely? Or can we benefit from evolving to the next level?
The untapped potential of marginalized communities
Back in May, AmCham organized an event focused on the employment of socially excluded groups and the untapped potential it represents for employers facing an alarming lack of workforce. Michaela Mudroňová, Coordinator of Employment Counseling in People in Need, moderated the event and is a top expert in this field.
The regulatory framework and the burden for businesses
In recent years, the regulatory process and the drafting of regulations has improved, but there is still room for improvement. There is still resistance to talking about the impact of regulations. There is still a communication gap between those who regulate and those who are regulated.
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