AmCham Slovakia

Healthy Future Conference

Healthy Future Conference

Wednesday, Sep 11, 2024 From 09:00 to 15:00

Main Stage (Jurkovičova Tepláreň), Bottova 1, Bratislava

Part of the Festival of Future


Welcome to Healthy Future Day at our Policy Festival, where we explore how emerging megatrends are shaping the future of health systems, healthcare services and products. Today, we are going to take you to the future of healthcare, to see the opportunities but also the challenges that are ahead of us. Let’s explore with you and our invited reputable experts, decision-makers and professionals the modern approaches in the areas of healthcare strategies, health data, practical examples of the use of modern technologies such as AI or robotics as well as new ways of financial management. 

Engage with experts, participate in thought-provoking discussions, and brainstorm new ideas as we collectively navigate the challenges and opportunities of our evolving world for the benefit of the patient in the 21st century.  

Let’s chart a course toward a more accessible, quality and patient-oriented healthcare for the benefit of all of us!  



8:30 – Registration and Networking  

9:00 – Opening of the Healthy Future Day 

  • Martin Maštalír, President of AmCham Slovakia 
  • Martina Slabejová, Executive Director of AmCham Slovakia 

9:10 – 1on1 with Minister of Health of the Slovak Repubilc (tbc)

  • Zuzana Dolinková, Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic 
  • Zuzana Javorová (Moderator)

9:30 – Opening keynote speech / Presentation of the report "FUTURE OF HEALTHCARE The Oxford Prescription" prepared by Citi GPS: Global Perspectives & Solutions and The Oxford University 

  • Adam Spielman, Head of Health and Consumer, Citi Global Insights 


9:45 – Inspirational examples of health policy approaches and use of health data

1on1 discussion about the OECD report "AI in health huge potential, huge risks" 

  • Eric Sutherland, Senior Health Economist, OECD 

 What role can public-private partnership play in strengthening research in healthcare?  

  • Vicky Hellon, Community Manager, Turing-Roche Partnership, Alan Turing Institute 

Presentation of the report "Time to Accelerate: Together Against Cancer" 

  • European Cancer Organisation (tbc) 

 Presentation of the report „A healthy future – tackling climate change mitigation and human health together“ 

  • The Academy of Medical Sciences / The Royal Society (tbc) 


10:30 – How will the EU healthcare legislation steer the future development, accessibility and quality of healthcare services, drugs and products? / Discussion 

  • European Federation of Pharmaceuticals Industries and Associations / Association of the Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry (tbc) 
  • MedTech Europe / SK+MED (tbc) 
  • Blažena Ambróz Sedrovičová, CEO, AI:DENTAL (tbc) 
  • Marek Holka, Partner, ČECHOVÁ & PARTNERS (Moderator)

 11:00 –  Coffee & Tea Break 

11:30 – How more resources and performance measurement in healthcare can help improve quality for patients in Slovakia? / Presentation 

  • Henrieta Tulejová, Partner, Advance Healthcare Management Institute 
  • Martin Vlachynský, Healthcare policy & data expert, Institute of Economic and Social Studies 

 11:40 – Sustainable financing of healthcare - why don't we still have it? / Discussion 

 12:20 – How can new technologies and modern approaches improve the quality of healthcare / Practical examples  

The future role of pharmacy 

  • Dr. Max 

Introducing robotic surgery assistant technology 

  • Kamil Szydlowski, Government Affairs Associate Director CEE, Zimmer Biomet 

 The benefits of using AI in ophthalmology 

  • Gabriela Czanner, Expert in Applied Informatics, AI and Statistics, Liverpool John Moores University and FIIT Slovak University of Technology 


12:45 – Experiences sharing from abroad / Presentation and discussion 

How does Lower Austria prepare for the future of healthcare? 

  • Verena Ossmann, Manager of Platform Health Care Technologies, Ecoplus, The Business Agency of Lower Austria GmbH 

1on2 - What can Dutch, German or UK health systems teach us? 

  • Vanda Tuxhorn, Chief physician, Vinzentius-Krankenhaus Landau, Germany 
  • Gabriela Czanner, Expert in Applied Informatics, AI and Statistics, Liverpool John Moores University and FIIT Slovak University of Technology 
  • Zuzana Javorová (Moderator)

 13:15 –  Well managed and efficient patient pathway and modern hospitals – what do they have in common? / Presentation and discussion 

 13:15 – Mission Health – quo vadis? / Presentation 

  • Petra Zappe, Senior Policy Officer, Research and innovation authority 


13:25 – Patient’s pathway in the hospitals of the 21st century / Discussion 

  • Miriam Lapuníková, General Director, University Hospital with Polyclinic F.D. Roosevelt in Banská Bystrica 
  • Vladimír Baláž, Chairman of the Healthcare Committee, National Parliament of the Slovak Republic 
  • Peter Lednický, General Director, Bory Hospital (tbc) 
  • Marek Svoboda, Director General of Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Physician of the Department of Comprehensive Oncological Care and the Department of Genetics and Cancer Epidemiology (tbc) 
  • Zuzana Javorová (Moderator )

 14:00 – Lunch & Networking

  • We invite you to take a coffee break now. This isn't just a pause—it's a prelude to something special. 


After the break, join us for the Slovak premiere of the acclaimed documentary Beyond Zero, followed by an intriguing panel discussion. It’s an inspiring exploration of sustainability you won't want to miss. 



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