AmCham Slovakia

Eastern Slovakia’s Business Potential

In 2023, the American Chamber of Commerce implemented a project „Mapping the potential of Eastern Slovakia“, the purpose of which was to examine the state and needs of the economic ecosystem of Eastern Slovakia in 6 areas that are key to the competitiveness of this region - infrastructure, manufacturing, innovation ecosystem, healthcare, human capital, attractivity & visibility. To ensure comprehensive outcomes we involved relevant stakeholders within the environment from our members and partners. Following a quadruple-helix model, we formed working groups for each area, comprised of key stakeholders from local government, academia, industry (employers and chamber members), and the non-profit sector, ensuring comprehensive representation.

The initiative arose from ongoing developments regarding incoming investors and expected transformation, as well as the requirements expressed by chamber members and key employers in the region. The AmCham launched this project to assess the region´s preparedness for the coming transformation, particularly regarding attracting investment, and to recommend strategies to maximize its potential.

Urgency was indicated by data and facts such as:

  • The expected creation of 3-10.000 jobs. 3-10-10 jobs in connection with the arrival of Volvo Cars and its related supply chains
  • 20% of high school graduates and 22% of university graduates leaving the region for work opportunities abroad
  • Almost 12,000 shortages in the health sector (A shortage of 7,200 workers in the sector has been identified for KSK for 2020-2025 and 4,700 for the PSP for the period)
  • The station interlocking equipment at Košice railway station operates on original technology from the 1970s and significantly limits the flexibility and throughput of train traffic
  • 2% increase in automobile traffic and at the same time indications and calculations according to traffic models that indicate that employee commuting via individual transport has caused traffic collapse at most intersections in Košice
  • 2.4 inhabitants per dwelling in Prešov and 2.33 in Košice (for comparison - BA is 1.9 inhabitants)

The project was designed in three phases.

Phase 1: Mapping the Potential of Eastern Slovakia

  • 90 stakeholders divided into 6 working groups (infrastructure, manufacturing, innovation ecosystem, healthcare, human capital, attractivity & visibility) met through a design-thinking process to define key regional challenges key challenges region is facing on the basis of regional data summary prepared by the Faculty of Economics of Technical University of Košice.
  • The outcome of this phase was the formulation of challenges and their respective questions, outlined in the Executive Summary.


Between Phase 1 and 2, a data search was conducted to match relevant data with the defined challenges. This helped to confirm or refute the urgency of each challenge. The outcome of this process is a data brochure.

Phase 2: Mapping the Potential of Eastern Slovakia

  • Built on the Phase 1 challenges, nearly 120 stakeholders met in 6 working groups to find effective and feasible solutions and recommendations based on a design thinking process.
  • The outcome of this phase was the formulation of 36 sub-solutions for the challenges defined in phase 1.


Between Phase 2 and 3, solutions were systematically analyzed to eliminate duplication, leading to condensing the initial 36 sub-recommendations into 18 comprehensive recommendations.*


Phase 3 - Presentation of Key Recommendations and Engagement with Practice

  • On January 31, the American Chamber of Commerce unveiled the Regional Pillar position paper, which outlines 18 recommendations aimed at strengthening competitiveness and prosperity in Eastern Slovakia.
  • For each recommendation, the paper in addition to general formulation identifies a legislative, financial and institutional framework is identified, based on which the respective solution can be implemented within a defined timeframe.*
  • In this context, the American Chamber of Commerce aims to facilitate an open dialogue among all stakeholders responsible for the possible implementation of these solutions and to present concrete options for the implementation* of the solution to the relevant stakeholders within the framework of this dialogue.
  • The final document can be downloaded in Slovak language HERE and in English language HERE.



Each of 18 recommendations has been expertly assessed for feasibility within the Slovak Republic, considering legislative, time, financial, and institutional frameworks. Most recommendations have all frameworks identified, making them essentially ready for immediate implementation.

Conclusion and next steps:

“Mapping the Potential of Eastern Slovakia” initiative marks a significant milestone in our collective efforts to address the region's challenges and capitalize on its opportunities. The comprehensive recommendations outlined in the Regional Pillar position paper provide a solid foundation for action and progress. The next crucial step involves bringing together relevant stakeholders from government, industry, academia and society to define concrete plans for implementing these solutions. By fostering collaboration and coordination among all stakeholders, we can ensure effective execution and sustainable development for the region. The American Chamber of Commerce remains committed to facilitating this collaborative process and supporting the realization of our shared vision for a prosperous and competitive Eastern Slovakia. Together, we can translate these recommendations into tangible outcomes that benefit all stakeholders and contribute to the region's long-term success.

Recommendations 2, 3

On April 10th, it was held the first important follow-up discussion aimed at enhancing the region´s appeal for foreign talent and the diaspora. Together, we brought together experts to focus on the region´s commitment to establishing a soft landing institution to attract talent from abroad. Here are a key outcomes of the event:

  1. Brainport Košice: Brainport Košice, a soon-to-be-launched softlanding platform, will revolutionize the experience for foreign workers seeking opportunities in Košice. This comprehensive portal, housed under Martin Mudrak´s Business Košice platform, consolidates all essential information into one user-friendly hub. With data on Visa checks, residency permits, job openings, housing options, transportation, healthcare facilities, schooling options, culture and even local lifestyle – Brainport Košice will be an ultimate resource for a seamless transition of foreign and Slovak diaspora talents. By simplifying the relocation process and providing corresponding One-Stop-Shop services, Brainport Košice empowers Košice to attract professionals from around the world and become a thriving international hub for talent and innovation.
  2. Cooperation with partners: We have established cooperation with International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Integration Center (Mareena, Človek v ohrození, Liga za ľudské práva). Following the event we established the cooperation with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
  3. Cooperation with Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia to further explore the possibilities of supporting expatriates within the local business community. We will also discuss networking opportunities and ways to enhance their community engagement.
  4. An advocacy initiative aimed at the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic through a letter emphasizing our commitment to addressing relevant legislative barriers that may affect attractiveness of Eastern Slovakia to foreign talent.

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