AmCham Slovakia

Regional Development

Human responsibility

(by Michal Hladký)

The Covid-19 outbreak truly revealed the ups and downs of the global world. It is a world of volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous problems constantly evolving as multidimensional with numerous stakeholders, multiple causes and effects, and no single solution reality. For the past few weeks, we found ourselves in the no future scenario. It was a very strong moment of despair, silence, and emptiness very well illustrated in the streets of our cities.  

Local innovation ecosystem of the future

(by Peter Kolesár, Mary MacPherson)

In 2012, one of the largest foreign investors in Brno Flextronics decided to close its Czech manufacturing operation and laid off over 1,000 employees. This was a shock for the local economy, but it triggered a change in the economic paradigm and jumpstarted the local innovation ecosystem. 

The future of local investing

(by Daniel Gaspar)

It is difficult to anticipate the challenges that await us in the coming months. The coronavirus and the Covid-19 pandemic have affected all of us personally and professionally. We remain at an economic and geopolitical turning point. It will take a long time for our economies to recover from the crisis. 

The beauty of seaside life in Košice

(by Michaela Halasz)

The current situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic puts many sectors in a difficult situation as it is very hard to predict how events will unfold in the months to come. The tourism industry is obviously among the most affected. However, a crisis can always be perceived also as an opportunity and that is exactly to approach adopted by Michaela Halász, Executive Director of the local tourism board Visit Košice, who talks about regional tourism in Slovakia, the unique attractions eastern Slovakia has to offer, as well as about the opportunities resulting from this difficult period.

City of Prešov: Vision of a successful ECOC 2026 candidacy

(by Vladimír Feľbaba)

The European Capital of Culture is a recognized title given to European cities, which have the opportunity to present their cultural life and development to Europe throughout the year. The aim of the project is to draw the European public’s attention to the city and its culture and thus contribute to a greater cultural understanding and perception in Europe. 

Why regions matter or how to make (East) Slovakia thrive again

(by Katarína Miňová)

The global economic environment has experienced a seismic shift caused by a tiny virus. A paradox in itself, demonstrating the complexities of the world we live in. Anybody still doubts that minor things can have a major impact? What are the key lessons from this crisis from regional perspective? And why regions matter, in the first place?

The path to vibrant city ecosystems

(by Dagmar Celuchova Bosanska)

Cities are the engine of economic output. The McKinsey Global Institute estimated in 2016 that the world’s most economically powerful cities account for 75 percent of global GDP. Even though there is no metropolis in Slovakia, successful metropolitan areas around the globe can be a great source of inspiration. 

Despite the crisis a historic chance for Slovakia

(by Ľudmila Majláthová)

The COVID-19 crisis has tested our healthcare, economies, our way of living and working together. Thanks to the swift reactions to the pandemic with the introduction of strict confinement measures, together with the remarkable wave of public solidarity and discipline, Slovakia is among the most successful countries in terms of fatalities. 

Košice International School - from idea to reality

(by Martin Mudrák , Michael Cresswell)

The idea of an international school offering world-class education in Košice has been circulating for a while. A round table discussion organized by AmCham in September of 2019 ignited the spark to get it done and, above all, it inspired motivated and competent stakeholders to join forces. Starting from September of this year, the private primary school Košice International School (KEIS) with its team of top educators from the US, UK and Australia will welcome its first students. KEIS has been included in the network of schools in the Slovak Republic and is authorized to teach as a candidate school International Baccalaureate® (IB) World School renowned Primary Years Program, a guarantee of quality education worldwide. Martin Mudrák, Director of AmCham’s Košice office and Michael Cresswell, KEIS Headmaster, introduce the project in more detail and explain what it means for the region.

Covid crisis as an accelerator of innovations

(by Marek Frecer)

During the 2008 financial crisis, I remember one of my former colleagues, a generation older than me, kept repeating an interesting comment towards his younger teammates. His sentiment at the time was that the then current economic situation was so fascinating, that we should all be excited to be able to experience it first hand, adapt with the world and capitalize on this unique once-in-a-lifetime learning experience. 

Making the connections between business and life

(by Stephen Caulfield, Peter Gažík)

Success comes at a price. Business leaders face difficult decisions regarding demands on their time on daily basis. The responsibility towards their families and their employees makes them carefully consider each minute of their day. We wanted to know how they like to spend their time out of work, what inspires them and motivates them.

The HORECA sector needs our help

(by Nikola Maslik)

The current situation introduced a number of changes to our everyday lives. At the same time, it has shown synergies and brought mutual assistance and support. Joining the crowd actively helping out is the Slovenské združenie výrobcov piva a sladu (Slovak Association of Beer and Malt Producers), which established #podporsvojpub (Support Your Pub) through the support of its members.