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- Soft skills in hard times
- Making the connections between work and life
- What is a successful disruptive market force?
- Regulators at the edge of tomorrow
- Nivy Tower - A Swiss pocketknife of services and flexibility
- Overcoming the challenges in regulating disruptive technologies
- Diversifying the automotive industry to the mobility sector
- Remote work and cybersecurity
- The dangers of safely working from home
- Moving beyond the “Moderate Innovator” category
- R&D in Slovakia: Peanuts and Monkeys
- HC Košice - starting a new journey
- Cloud First is not just an approach to technology, it is a mindset
- Technology helping food businesses survive the pandemic
- How flexible is our future?
- The value of big data
- Innovative use of open-source data in sales and marketing
Innovation in the Digital Age
Soft skills in hard times
This time last year, our lives changed completely. From one moment to
another, we found ourselves working from home, learning to operate in
the new reality, while homeschooling our children and battling our own
anxieties. It’s been a challenging year.
Making the connections between work and life
Success comes at a price. Business leaders face difficult decisions regarding demands on their time on daily basis. The responsibility towards their families and their employees makes them carefully consider each minute of their day. We want to know how they like to spend their time out of work, what inspires them and motivates them.
What is a successful disruptive market force?
In a classic Dilbert comic strip, Dogbert claims he’d make a great stock market expert- buying stocks, and then recommending them so they go up. What about the fundamentals?, asks Dilbert. Dogbert’s ironic response: It doesn’t get any more fundamental than that.
Regulators at the edge of tomorrow
Over the years, digital systems became an integral part of our society. And the more our society becomes reliant on them, the more regulators have the digital world on their radar. The GDPR storm in 2018 was by far neither the first nor the last one in the digital area.
Nivy Tower - A Swiss pocketknife of services and flexibility
Today we are in a (r)evolutionary period in the real estate sector, and not only due to the pandemic. Static office spaces from 9 to 5, the same working environment for different types of jobs, the conversion of square meters to the number of employees… These are office paradigms that are slowly becoming old-fashioned.
Overcoming the challenges in regulating disruptive technologies
First comes technological possibility, then economic feasibility and then legal regulation, often snubbed as the bogey-man, or obstacle to progress. This article outlines five key challenges that regulators face in dealing with disruptive technologies and offers possible cues on how to make regulation less a crystal-ball gazing exercise and more an efficient learning curve.
Diversifying the automotive industry to the mobility sector
Automotive manufacturing has gradually matured into a dominant segment of Slovakia’s industrial production and export. Over the past decade, the number of cars manufactured in Slovakia increased fivefold and the industry is employing over 277,000 people, making it the most important employer of the Slovak economy.
Remote work and cybersecurity
Most, if not all companies, have been moving toward digitization for some time now. Operations across companies are going digital, as companies are seeking to utilize any viable potential for increased efficiency and to increase the quality of the service or product they offer.
The dangers of safely working from home
It’s been more than a year since the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we work. Even companies which have managed to adapt well to these unprecedented conditions are dealing with practical issues related to cybercrime exposure. Roman Vavrík, the CEO of SWAN, a.s. shared some of his observations and recommendations related to this problem.
Moving beyond the “Moderate Innovator” category
The global impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has strengthened European Union’s focus on research and innovation. Slovakia still lags behind in this area and the opportunities available at the EU level may present a path to boost its innovation potential in the near future. Andrej Kurucz, Head of Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development (SLORD) in Brussels shared his views on this topic.
R&D in Slovakia: Peanuts and Monkeys
If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys, the saying goes, and unfortunately it describes the research and development situation in Slovakia. Business leaders and consultants throw around buzzwords, such as “Industry 4.0”, “Disruption”, and “Knowledge Economy”, but when it comes to walking the walk, the Slovak R&D is chronically underfunded by both the public and private sectors.
HC Košice - starting a new journey
The history of ice-hockey in Košice spans back to the year 1921 and the community is preparing for the celebration of the 100th anniversary this year. HC Košice was founded in 1962 and it’s the most successful club in Slovak hockey history with a record of two Czechoslovak and eight Slovak Championship titles as well as an Intercontinental cup title.
Cloud First is not just an approach to technology, it is a mindset
To accelerate digital transformation and help clients across all industries become “cloud first”, Accenture announced a $3 billion investment over the next three years. More than 100,000 Accenture cloud professionals help clients shape, move, build and operate their businesses in the cloud and realize the cloud’s business value. But what does it take to be cloud first?
Technology helping food businesses survive the pandemic
As the global pandemic heads towards its first anniversary, and the general outlook for government restrictions to alleviate in the near future seems bleaker, it´s clear that adapting to this unprecedented situation is key. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the food service industry.
How flexible is our future?
Covid-19 has reminded us all that no one can predict the future. So, as businesses leaders start to look at more flexible setups, we asked Rene Popik, CEO of workspace provider HB Reavis Slovakia, for his thoughts on how the pandemic has impacted office life.
The value of big data
Over 25 years have passed since the Internet was born. In that time, it has become an inseparable part of everyday life. Extremely quick technological development has enabled us to get from an almost-forgotten dial-up connection to the privilege of streaming music and films in 4K, joining a videoconference from home, spending time on social media and playing our favorite games with friends.
Innovative use of open-source data in sales and marketing
It is safe to say that data is the driving force behind most B2B marketing and sales strategies. However, without a clear understanding of the benefits of data integration, it’s hard to realize its value. The following article is a brief introduction of how leveraging data can help you optimize your B2B business, sales and marketing especially.
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