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- Slovakia at the Crossroads
- How to support young social innovators?
- Diversity insights from female leaders
- The future (of Healthcare) starts today
- Supply chain – a new ESG challenge?
- Navigating the ESRS Standards
- How to approach ESG ratings
- ESG: the make or break of a company?
- Embracing sustainability in IT companies
- Three pillars of responsible business
- Authentic sustainability
- Work and life connections
- Top priorities for the new government
- New legislation for business
- Empowering women in Tech
- Navigating the pre-election landscape
- Slovak whistleblowing regulation
- Endless battle with red tape
- Making sustainable choices
Pillars of Good Society
Slovakia at the Crossroads
Slovakia stands at a defining moment. The signs are unmistakable: a war
in a neighboring country, a growing disillusionment among its citizens,
an alarming susceptibility to disinformation, and an unprecedented
number of high-profile public officials facing jail time. But perhaps
the most poignant of these signs is the steady stream of young students,
the nation’s future torchbearers, leaving their homeland.
How to support young social innovators?
Are we overlooking a significant portion of our society’s potential and opportunities by not providing young people with the space to discover themselves, foster their self-confidence, instill a sense of responsibility, nurture essential future-ready skills, and offer the requisite support for their personal growth?
Diversity insights from female leaders
Companies are facing increasing demand from their stakeholders to address environmental, social and governance issues. Part of that is incorporating an assessment of the company’s diversity and equality across the company and at C-level.
The future (of Healthcare) starts today
Sustainability has become a buzzword of the last couple of decades. When I first started noticing the sustainability topic, it was mostly linked to the urge to act on a number of environmental issues impacting our planet.
Supply chain – a new ESG challenge?
Global value chains of companies can pose sustainability risks. In recent years, numerous legal developments in the field of ESG have led to greater pressure on supply chains, both at the national level and in the EU as a whole.
Navigating the ESRS Standards
Over the summer, the European Commission approved the European Sustainability Reporting Standards for companies. Although they will enter into force on 1 January 2024, the obligations itself start from 2025. This time gap is an excellent opportunity for companies looking to get a leg up on the competition.
How to approach ESG ratings
The need for sustainability and adherence to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) principles in a company’s business has increased in recent years and is in a phase of rapid growth. Lots of companies want to do business in a sustainable way, and others want to be perceived as trend setters, gain a competitive advantage and seek an ESG rating.
ESG: the make or break of a company?
Environmental, social and governance factors are increasingly brought to the forefront of investment decisions and legislative scrutiny. With the oncoming responsibilities relating to CSRD rules, it is the right time to ask whether a good ESG strategy can become the deciding factor for a successful company.
Embracing sustainability in IT companies
In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, sustainability has become more than just a buzzword—it’s a necessity. As concerns about climate change and resource depletion continue to grow, IT companies are looking to integrate sustainability and circular economy principles into their operations. Let’s explore how IT company Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia is leading the charge in creating a more sustainable future.
Three pillars of responsible business
Responsible business has long been more than just CSR. It is also clearly set rules of conduct that are applied both externally and internally within the company, a long-term effort to improve and transparency in providing information.
Authentic sustainability
In a world where environmental concerns are at the forefront of public consciousness, businesses are increasingly eager to present themselves as champions of sustainability. The desire to demonstrate environmental responsibility is genuine, but the specter of greenwashing - the practice of making superficial claims about sustainability - looms large.
Work and life connections
Success comes at a price. Business leaders face difficult decisions regarding demands on their time on daily basis. The responsibility towards their families and their employees makes them carefully consider each minute of their day. We want to know how they like to spend their time out of work, what inspires them and motivates them.
Top priorities for the new government
Global trends and dynamic societal and technological changes require urgent action if Slovakia wants to stop its steady drop in all the relevant global rankings and indexes. The business sector has long been pushing for transformative reforms in various sectors. Here’s a selection of priorities for the new government proposed by selected members of AmCham member companies.
New legislation for business
The following text presents a brief overview of legislative changes in the tax and payroll area which are most likely to influence your business. Experts from Crowe choose the most relevant legislation which has recently come to force or is likely to be adopted in the near future.
Empowering women in Tech
Closing the digital gender gap empowers women to participate fully in the workforce, fostering innovation and sustainability for a more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous future. The quest to see more women in leadership positions in the IT and digital segment starts much sooner. Aj Ty v IT has been breaking the barriers that prevent girls from studying STEM disciplines for over a decade. We talked to Petra Kotuliaková, it’s Founder and CEO, about how the situation in Slovakia has developed over this period.
Navigating the pre-election landscape
This article offers an overview of the policies and common goals proposed by political parties in the run-up to the elections. It mentions parties that have been above 3% in polls long-term and have shared their election program as of 8.9.2023.
Slovak whistleblowing regulation
On September 1, 2023, the Slovak implementation of European Union Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (“Directive”) came into full force. The implementation of the Directive required substantial amendment of the Slovak Act on Protection of Whistleblowers (“Act”).
Endless battle with red tape
It has been decades since European institutions identified red tape and over-regulated business environment as the main problems of European small and medium-sized companies. More than 20 years after The European Charter for Small Enterprises was introduced (it calls upon the Member States and the Commission to take action to support small enterprises), the European Parliament came up with its resolution on the state of the SME Union in the summer of 2023.
Making sustainable choices
Consumers’ lives are becoming inherently interconnected, as they adopt the global goal of sustaining our planet. More than half of Slovaks believe that climate change can be solved primarily by a total change in our lifestyles.
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