AmCham Slovakia

Innovation in the Digital Age

Driving innovation together

(by Martin Maštalír)

Innovations are key to any development of society, and one of the main benefits is economic growth.  This growth not only fosters employment opportunities and enhances service availability but also bolsters competitiveness and addresses global challenges. The topic of innovation is undoubtedly important and is the driving force not only of the economy, but also of the entire society. Presently, we find ourselves at the biginning of the fourth industrial revolution. While the third industrial revolution was defined by mobile phones and computers, the onset of the fourth is determined primarily by AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things). These two main themes are accompanied by other intriguing developments, including blockchain and cryptocurrencies, virtual and augmented reality, cloud computing, digital healthcare and, last but not least, cyber security.

AI simplifies the use of technology

(by Filip Tichý, Jakub Chudík)

It sounds like a paradox that artificial intelligence – itself a complicated technology that few people understand – should simplify the use of technology. But in business, the first significant impact of AI on daily basis will not form the creation of “new” intelligence but enable simplified approach to technology. 

The rise of digital therapeutics

(by Klaudia Popélyová)

Digital therapeutics (DTx), software-based interventions for health disorders or diseases, are gaining traction. The rise in digital tools usage has increased the demand for digital therapeutics. They can be standalone or used with other treatments to improve patient care. 

Navigating the AI Act

(by Oliver Göndör)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries and companies, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation and growth. However, as AI technologies advance rapidly, concerns about their legal and ethical impact and risks have become increasingly prominent. 

CEO frauds using AI

(by Angelika Kodhajova)

The fraudsters are increasingly using new technologies such as deepfakes to scam victims. More than ever, we need to better understand fraud threats and improve our personal level of defense. According to Metro Atlanta CEO the number of deepfakes in the crypto industry increased in 2023 by 128% compared to 2022.

Privacy in the age of AI

(by Kristína Maschkanová)

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies presents both opportunities and significant challenges, particularly in the area of privacy and personal data protection. As AI systems become more integrated into everyday life, the potential for privacy breaches increases, raising several legal questions. 

AI trends in Telco

(by Jan Matiaska)

The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to be widespread and touch virtually all areas of our lives. AI technologies have the potential to improve efficiency, enhance decision-making processes, create new opportunities, and transform various industries, including the telecommunications. 

Ethical and regulatory landscape of AI

(by Denys Balatsko)

Artificial intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront of the rapidly evolving world of technology, offering both unprecedented opportunities and formidable challenges. From personal assistants to autonomous vehicles, AI systems are becoming more integrated into our daily lives, and the ethical and regulatory implications these technologies bring along lead to important debates. This article dives into the complex interplay between AI development, ethics and regulations.

AI bias in the hiring process

(by Katarína Pecnová)

More than half a century ago, conductor Erich Leinsdorf, who directed the Boston Symphony Orchestra, was seeking fresh performers to join his orchestra. At the time, discrimination was prevalent in the music industry, with a pronounced bias towards men over women. These barriers were frequently caused by societal expectations, or the notion that specific instruments or roles were inherently masculine and hence not acceptable for women. 

Building a proactive cybersecurity culture

(by Jakub Jedinák)

Most businesses concentrate on prevention and detection as their key cybersecurity strategies. On average, a breach or other type of incident, happens 212 days before initial detection1. Previously a reactive approach to business security was sufficient. Today, companies need to take a far more proactive approach to security.

Work and life connections

(by Michal Ujma, Andrej Boháč)

Success comes at a price. Business leaders face difficult decisions regarding demands on their time on daily basis. The responsibility towards their families and their employees makes them carefully consider each minute of their day. We want to know how they like to spend their time out of work, what inspires them and motivates them.

Innovate your operating model

(by Matúš Draganovský)

An innovative operating model of the organization (Operating Model) naturally includes the culture, values and principles of the organization. In the era of AI and digitalization, it guides employee behavior, interactions, and decision-making, while shaping the organization’s identity.

SME digitalization: From words to deeds

(by Marián Letovanec)

In recent years, amidst endless discussions on “innovations” and how we love them and need them, the term “digitalization” has also gained increasing prominence. Additionally, large amounts of money have been earmarked for enhancing companies’ digital capabilities. But where exactly are these funds?

Digital shift with added value

(by Tomáš Filípek)

In the field of service delivery, where achieving customer satisfaction and environmental sustainability are paramount, companies like Veolia are at the forefront of embracing digital transformation. This move toward digitalization is not just a business decision but a strategic response to the changing demands of consumers and the planet. 

New tech in medicine development

(by Mark Polinkovsky)

The last century saw rapid progress in medical treatments. Early successes included antibiotics and chemical compounds like Aspirin. More recent breakthroughs in biologics like antibodies, cells and RNA-based therapies have expanded treatment options for complex diseases. However, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are turning to new technologies to solve their challenges in developing the next generation of medicines.

Innovations in ordering and fundraising

(by McDonald’s )

In recent years, restaurants have undergone a significant digitization process that has changed the way they operate and communicate with customers. In order to be closer to their customers and make the ordering process as easy as possible, restaurants have become much more visible online, mostly via delivery services. But some businesses have pushed the boundaries as regards refining their digital presence even further.

Data: The key to customer loyalty

(by Martin Adamka)

In today’s business landscape it is absolutely crucial to understand the significance of the data you own within the company. From our own experience, we still encounter many companies that have gathered some data about their customers or business partners over time, yet they lack the knowledge of how to effectively utilize this data, particularly in terms of capitalizing on it.

Industrial automation: Smart factories

(by Szymon Woznica)

Industry 4.0, also known as the fourth industrial revolution, introduces the concept of a Smart Factory that utilizes digital transformation tools, such as Digital Twins, to streamline the manufacturing process. By seamlessly integrating systems across all levels of production, it enhances efficiency, innovation, and productivity, creating an interconnected ecosystem that covers all operations.

Safe payment ecosystems

(by Visa )

The technology behind how people shop is constantly changing and improving. Customers expect to pay conveniently, easily, and securely at all times. The shift to digital money is incredibly exciting but it also places exponentially greater pressure to ensure every transaction is secure and reliable. Visa has been using artificial intelligence to prevent fraud and to provide security in payments already for 30 years. 

Information security strategy

(by Bibiána Žigová)

In today’s digital landscape, safeguarding economic and business information is crucial for success. With data playing a pivotal role across different sectors, ensuring data security is paramount to prevent losses, corruption and legal repercussions while also safeguarding the company’s credibility and reputation. While the state of information and cybersecurity varies globally, certain universal trends and challenges persist.